I don't think rights are going to actually help anyone, though. You are correct...Halachicly speaking. But Halacha - in Even HaEzer is about rights. Yes, a Beis Din can and will fine a woman for withholding intimacy.
But let me ask you, what kind of intimacy do you think you get with a court order? GIVE ME WHAT IS MINE! And indeed, as per his halachic rights, Beis Din will enforce them as best as they can.
Do you think , commando, that a marriage that you have threaten to call the dayan in order to get into the bedroom is what our goal is? "What is mine by right" - youch, not a bedroom life, who is suppose to be the zienth of love , connection and the one place that a woman can be totally validated mind body and soul - done with a gun to her head? sounds like rape with a hasgocha on it. It's kosher. But I'm not particularlly hungry, frankly.
Denying the basics? What, to be used? Technically yes - but, God, try looking a woman in the eye and explaining that to her? As the Stiepler writes - it is a fate worse then death, to not feel loved by her husband. Perhaps such a fate could make a woman take such measures. Halachicly speaking? Sure. Try asking a Dayan what he thinks. Or find one who would agree to hear such a case.
True, SHE should be doing all sorts of things. But what now? What can we do?
I have dealt with this, and am indeed working through it. I didn't cause it; but I found that by looking at her side of the coin - and seeing what she wanted - that things got better. When I dropped wondering about what my right is - in Even HaEzer - because Even HaEzer is about rights. But Orach Chaim is about how a Ben Torah should live, and it says a very different story, of being Noyeg bkedudasha, and appeases one's wife before being with her. But isn't it his right? appease her? HECK, just call the dayan! There are rights, and then there's the way it's suppose to be.
that said, individual situations are very complex as is mine. But by focusing on what can we do to improve the situation - well that's the only thing that we can do to improve it. Not saying I have the magic bullet, but by focusing on what she should be doing - well...what good is that? May I suggest the the married chevra's thread on this -
www.guardyoureyes.org/forum/index.php?topic=1593.0 ----------------
One thing I have learned is that I was blind to how I was treating my wife - even if I had the right to treat her that way - I think love means loving someone on their level, with what they need and how they need it.
And Osh - have you tried dealing with the situation? Counseling? Sex therapy?