forget the past and future
It is the past (I'm not happy with it) and the future (I want it to be brighter) that is driving me. Looking at the past can also help us figure out patterns, and learn from them. Hoping for a better future can also be a motivator.
It is like someone that is an over-eater. Right now, he is fat (from all the falls he had), he can learn from the past that walking into certain places/staying at a wedding past a certain hour/passing by a certain store causes him to fall and eat. He can look at himself in the mirror, not like the extra weight which can
motivate him to watch over himself (and if he is out of control, find a program that can help him). Every time he falls, he will gain a bit of weight but if the trend is positive, he will loose weight. It is the end goal (future) that is driving him to succeed now....
In the other hand, if someone is negative, he can say, I'm so fat already, one more donut won't make a difference, I'm a lost cause, I'll always be fat... I guess it depends what you try to learn from the past and how you see yourself in the future.