StrugglingGuy wrote on 24 Jun 2010 16:39:
(This might be a little graphic)
I recently started sleeping on the floor instead of my bed. Why? My floor is made of wood. I put a blanket down and wrap it around myself and it's kmat like Im sleeping on the floor. My challanges come from ms******* not with my hand but with imitation of an 'act'. Therefore, being on the floor serves as an all-important deterrent for me to not eja********. (It is quite uncomfortable to lie face down on a wooden floor if you didnt already get it....)
However, I still touch myself and fantasize. So, the root of my taavah still exists. Technically, what I still do is called 'ms***********'; obviously, though, not ej********* is a success, I believe.
Anyone have thoughts?
My impression is the Halacha is that men must sleep on their side