The schmutzy books at my Mom's house have been a horrible challenge for me basically all my life. I acted out with them hundreds and hundreds of times. Sometimes I still want to.
Whenever I go to my Mother's, I have a simple rule: I am not able to look at the books at all. They are just like looking at a woman, for me.
And be"H, I don't.
And I use the same rule I use for women: Seeing them is not the problem. My problem is staring at them or looking again - it will neam that I will think about them and desire them - my very body will change my desires and they will look desireable to me, if I stare at them and think about them. In other words: "The first look is on G-d, the second look is on me."
Easy does it.
At the very least, even if I am trying to depend on Hashem to help me, the battle-lines must be drawn back. I cannot keep having the same struggle. If I do, then "the struggle continues", and thanks to all the humiliation I have endured already at my own hands, I choose to have the humility to admit that I will eventually lose that battle. It is not a battle for this Dov.
Can you admit that yet, or not?
I think it is a matter of humility, period. It is surrender. Without it, the struggle will continue forever.