southafricanJEW wrote on 27 Apr 2010 09:17:
Tried-123 wrote on 27 Apr 2010 05:39:
According to R' Desler, the reason Klal Yisroel fell to the depths of moral impurity in Egypt...
Is due to the fact that they felt bad about themselves....
Sounds like guilt is the cause, not the solution.... :-\ :-\ :-\
I Know what you say from experience, my Yatzer horah would convince me that
“masturbation is the worst sin in the entire universe and is on the same level as brutally murdering little children, therefore I must spend every moment of the day focusing on stopping this, Stop worrying about trying to daven with a minyan, doing chessed and small things like that, a murderer has more important things to stop.”I am beginning to realize that I am wasting a lot of my potential because of this guilt.
And did the guilt help me stop masturbating?
It made me do it a lot more!
Another point that may be worth discussing is that I am sure that true “yirat shomayim”
Has nothing to do with “fear of punishment” fear of punishment is fear of pain, not the profound awe of Hashem we should really have.
The following just illustrates that some times the Y'h wants the guilt more than anything....
(Masturbating is obviously an Aveira)
צוואת הריב"ש (ה:ב) [מובא ב"עלים לתרופה" גליון קל"ג – מטות-מסעי תשנ"ח] – לפעמים מטעה היצה"ר לאדם ואומר לו שעבר עבירה גדולה, אע"פ שבאמת אינו אלא חומרא בעלמא או שאינו עבירה כלל, וכוונתו שיהיה האדם בעצבות מכח זה, ויבטל בעצבותו מעבודת הבורא ית"ש, וצריך האדם להבין הרמאות הזה...
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