Maybe on the page where we have links to this clip, we should put a disclaimer that Hashem has infinate patience with us, and wants us to do Teshuvah.
The problem with films like these is that they definitly imply that Hashem does not have infinate patience.
The only reason that the person did not burn is because he cleaned the graves. which means that according to the film the average secular kid who dies is going to burn, big time for all eternity, unless he has some very big merit to save himself, the fact that he was never informed of the Torah is no excuse, accordingly how much more so are frum people going to burn, if one's upbringing is no excuse then nether is their hormonally-raging bodies, or addiction. if I believed this I think I would go off the derech.
I am not overly analizing the film this is the simple message, or at least it is the way that most will understand it.
We live in a world where masturbation is normal. It's reached the point where people who don't give in are considered abnormal. Religious jews have reached the point where they're no longer embarassed, can justify it out loud, and I've even heard someone claim that his rabbi (who again, he claims is orthodox) says it's OK for single guys to be mz"l.
there is a far worse problem then people thinking masterbation is fine, the problem is the silent guilt that a lot of frum teens, and adults suffer. A very close friend of mine told me that he once felt so guilt for masturbation that he started doing worse things. I don't think people realise the torment that people suffer, i am not exagerating, this is one big problem.
yes most people probably won't kill themselves, but i know that any frum teen who really believe's this film will suffer a terrible, and cruel battle that will get nowhere (i think dov will agree).
I don't think it is correct to "save" people with lies.
yes masturbation is against the torah but the film ignores the fact that Hashem understands human nature, loves us more that we love ourselves and that he wants the best for us.
I bash the film because the film bashes Hashem's love and mercy.
sorry for being sharp but, i am in contact with a lot of kids on an informal level, so they feel they can open up to me, and things are not good...