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Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble
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TOPIC: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 1904 Views

Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 13 Apr 2010 13:57 #61002

  • dovinisrael
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yes - you are right.

if you are interested PM with an email - I'll send you some copies you might enjoy reading from other diaries also found.

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Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 13 Apr 2010 13:58 #61003

  • Chazak Amenu
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R you kidding! Of course i would! i will PM you soon.
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Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 13 Apr 2010 23:16 #61128

  • briut
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CA: I was thinking about these "other diaries."

There's a slight risk that any document including these could have something warm enough to trigger you. But for me, reading such sad and violent and awful experiences can make me feel lonely and vulnerable and sad and alone. Feelings that my Y'H tells me can best be satisfied with....

Just a word to the wise -- it's not just the text and the pix, it's also the emotions you'll be carrying after you're done.

But this applies to the NYTimes just as much as to Holocaust literature, of course.

Just a passing thought. So I'm sharing.
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Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 14 Apr 2010 00:00 #61138

  • Chazak Amenu
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I am not ready for anymore of this stuff today i watched more Holocaust videos and right now am very depressed. But it does not actally make lust because it makes all of that stuff look so stupid and my own feelings and desires stupid. But for now no more thank you for the offer though dovinirael.
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Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 14 Apr 2010 09:40 #61202

  • nederman
This is a tremendous post from another forum:

yehudaslegacy wrote on 14 Apr 2010 04:52:

firstly i would like to thank those who took the time to read and reply to my post, it really leaves one with the feeling that someone cares. And that i have begun recovery.

The most important thing that happened to me  is the realization of what I/We are up against. It is not the need to masterbate that entices us to look, it is the looking itself that is addictive, and masturbation is merely a peak of those desires. We desire to let our eyes feed on an image. The best example is how we derive actual pleasure just by looking at a woman passing by on the street and continuing to stare as she passes by. Those few seconds are literally no different than the first few bites into a steaming slice of pizza which are eaten while still inhaling. During those first bites the mind is focused on and is thinking about nothing else other than that pleasure. masturbation is an extreme example of that because it requires your mind to focus so intensely on an image in order to imagine you are actually doing something to that image and that that image is responding to what you are doing, a tremendous amount of imaginative energy is put in to fooling your mind you are actually there and actually doing something which then brings about the result of masturbation. It is the ultimate actualization of that feeding, to reach that point of ecstasy you have to completely wrap your mind around an image and let it totally consume your conscience. It is that that we are addicted to. and only with that realization does it truly dawn on us that allowing ourselves to look at an image,or more correctly to feed on an image is just as bad as masturbating, because it is a less extreme version of the same thing. We can no longer convince ourselves that as long as we are not masturbating its not bad, that the fall is only when we have given in and masturbated. No you have given in to your addiction just as seriously if you have allowed your mind to feed on an image as when you have masturbated to an image. Just like a drug addict cannot ( or must not) fool himself into thinking, its not so bad its not a fall, its only a joint its not like I did heroine or anything, I think we would agree that both light and hard drugs are a fall for someone trying to free himself from a drug addiction, and if their mindset is not so then they dont really have a chance of recovery.
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Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 14 Apr 2010 14:38 #61254

  • briut
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30years wrote on 14 Apr 2010 09:40:
...you have given in to your addiction just as seriously if you have allowed your mind to feed on an image as when you have masturbated to an image.

Hmmnn. I seem to recall the Baal haTanya making a big distinction in Judaism between thoughts, speech, and actions. As I understand it, allowing a thought (machshava) to enter (and perhaps, perhaps, even to linger) is simply not identical to bringing that thought into physical reality and action (ma'aseh).

I'd hate to bring any teenager (or even an old guy like me) into a guilt trip that being distracted by a movie image is as distancing from HKB'H as The Ma'aseh itself.

There's room for many opinions here, I suppose, but mine is that such a view would be unnecessary from either halacha (law) or hashgacha (outlook). I hate to imagine what kind of [edited, to add: self-imposed] pain comes to anyone holding a less tolerant view.

Last Edit: 14 Apr 2010 15:00 by .

Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 14 Apr 2010 14:39 #61256

  • dovinisrael
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briut -

1. I'm thinking abotu you
2. I am putting my thoguhts into action - and letting you know I am thinking about you

hi. how oyu are doing ok.

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Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 14 Apr 2010 15:03 #61264

  • briut
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DovInIsrael wrote on 14 Apr 2010 14:39:

briut - I am putting my thoguhts into action - and letting you know I am thinking about you....

Dovii: what a nice message and a nice piece of mussar for me -- namely,
WHO HAS BEEN IN MY THOUGHTS TODAY, WHO DESERVES TO BE IN MY ACTIONS. Hmmn. There's got to be someone I should call. Or visit. Or "DO" something for. Not just think about.

I appreciate the mussar in this message! (and therefore the messenger....)  - Briut
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Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 15 Apr 2010 02:36 #61362

  • nederman
Briut wrote on 14 Apr 2010 14:38:

30years wrote on 14 Apr 2010 09:40:
...you have given in to your addiction just as seriously if you have allowed your mind to feed on an image as when you have masturbated to an image.

Hmmnn. I seem to recall the Baal haTanya making a big distinction in Judaism between thoughts, speech, and actions. As I understand it, allowing a thought (machshava) to enter (and perhaps, perhaps, even to linger) is simply not identical to bringing that thought into physical reality and action (ma'aseh).

I'd hate to bring any teenager (or even an old guy like me) into a guilt trip that being distracted by a movie image is as distancing from HKB'H as The Ma'aseh itself.

There's room for many opinions here, I suppose, but mine is that such a view would be unnecessary from either halacha (law) or hashgacha (outlook). I hate to imagine what kind of [edited, to add: self-imposed] pain comes to anyone holding a less tolerant view.

For sure thought is not the same as action. However if a person is truly an addict then they are the same. If you are not an addict you probably don't appreciate this. Perhaps CA is not an addict either, and he doesn't understand it either. I don't know much about CA, but I figured that if a guy is watching a movie and posts a message with the subject line "I am in serious trouble," he is about to sin. Otherwise why would he be in serious trouble. On the other maybe he is just overblowing it, and I am worried over nothing.

Seemingly you would not be frum if you truly had to accept the idea that Hashem can be disappointed with you. I know people like that, who think that Hashem views everybody only positively. But the reality is clear from the facts of an addict. An addict gradually loses his bechira. The point where he loses control becomes earlier and earlier. This is clearlly a midas ha-din. And there are endless sources in the Chumash which show that Hashem really does get angry. And you have been talking about the Holocaust, which was brought as payback because of the massive departure of virtually all European Jews from Torah and mitzvos (documented by Rabbi Avigdor Miller.) Where is the midas ha-din not clear?

Please don't send any more messages asking me not to talk to people. CA is an intelligent young man decide for himself how to respond to ideas and advice from others. But perhaps he really was never "in serious trouble."
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Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 15 Apr 2010 02:40 #61363

  • Chazak Amenu
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I am not going to dignify that with an answer.
Last Edit: 15 Apr 2010 02:52 by .

Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 15 Apr 2010 03:02 #61368

  • Chazak Amenu
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And you have been talking about the Holocaust, which was brought as payback because of the massive departure of virtually all European Jews from Torah and mitzvos (documented by Rabbi Avigdor Miller.) Where is the midas ha-din not clear?

Please don't send any more messages asking me not to talk to people. CA is an intelligent young man decide for himself how to respond to ideas and advice from others. But perhaps he really was never "in serious trouble."


I won't address anything besides for the Holocaust statement. My Grandfather A''H was a Holocaust survivor and the rest of his family perished in the Holocaust. How can you say with a clear conscience that they deserved to die?! They were very frum. So many innocent people died how can you say regardless of how frum they are that they deserved to be tortured, starved, enslaved, experimented on, shot, beat, gassed, cremated, sexually abused, and so many more things which you i can't bring myself to mention right now. here is a number for you 6,000,000... there is so much more i need to say but this is not the time or place for it.
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Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 15 Apr 2010 03:36 #61372

  • silentbattle
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I Don't think 30years said anything about specific people deserving to die. Many good, holy people perished in the holocaust. Much of my own family did, as well.

However, I think there probably is not a coincidence that the holocaust occurred at a time of peak assimilation, at the height of the "let's be just like the non-jews, so they'll love us" mentality. I believe that is what 30years is referring to.

I'm curious if I'm understanding you correctly, 30years, but if I am, I'm going to try to translate again. Perhaps you don't mean that thought and action are the same, but that, depending on what level one has fallen to, once the thoughts begin, it is often difficult to prevent them from becoming actions?
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Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 20 Apr 2010 03:59 #61987

  • nederman
My grandfather on one side as well as his whole family, and on the side of my other grandfather the whole family was also killed except for my grandfather and his brother. They married non-Jewish women. I am a convert.

CA, read what you wrote. "How can you say that they deserved it?" Evidently if Hashem allowed it they did deserve it. The fact is that we deserve this and worse. The good question to ask is "why doesn't it happen more?" The answer is the midas ha-rachamim. But eventually that runs out. Everything is recorded and for everything we will be held accountable, but time is granted to us anyway to help us out. It would not be just to simply gloss over sins. The gemara says that a person that says that G-d overlooks sins will have his life looked over. See the Mesillas Yesharim.

Besides, your own family may have been complete tzadikim, but it's known that once the midas ha-din is unleashed it does not distinguish between different kinds of people.

And: yes, I do mean that for an addict the distance between thought and action is very short. For a healthy person to go out of his way not to look at women is Prishus, which is a type of Chassidus, it's going beyond what is normally expected. For an addict, the same behavior is Zehirus - that is the minimum he must do so as not to sin. Zehirus etc. are defined in the Mesillas Yesharim.
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Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 20 Apr 2010 06:38 #61998

  • Holy Yid
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satmar  rov blamed holocost on zionism only
זכרני נא, זכרני נא, וחזקני נא אך הפעם הזה, הפעם הזה, האלקים, ואנקמה נקם אחת משתי עיני, מפלשתים
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Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 20 Apr 2010 06:40 #61999

  • Holy Yid
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munkatzer rebbe's son in law blamed it on lack of zionism.
זכרני נא, זכרני נא, וחזקני נא אך הפעם הזה, הפעם הזה, האלקים, ואנקמה נקם אחת משתי עיני, מפלשתים
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