Briut wrote on 13 Apr 2010 01:19:
YOUR PARENTS DON'T WANT YOU TO DO ANYTHING THAT'S UNCOMFORTABLE FOR YOU TO DO. They're probably just clueless how sensitive you are to it.
You know, I just want to say one more time for the record... that if you're now a teenager and your parents therefore one generation behind you, well, the world was a different place then. Much of orthodox America went through coed schools. Even public schools with 'cheder' afterwards. Like all "good Americans" they saw movies (they were cleaner), watched TV (it was way cleaner; think I Love Lucy), and even went down to see the big parades (which only rarely had the scantily-clad ladies; normally it was politicians). The supermarket checkout aisle sold Readers Digest, not People magazine or worse.
What I'm trying to get to is, your parents may really be clueless here. Not in the cynical teenage sense where all parents are clueless. Just really clueless as to how the increasing frumkeit of our oylam and the increasing pritzus of our golus JUST DON'T FIT TOGETHER AS NICELY AS IN THEIR DAY.
Believe me; I'm from that generation (in my 50s); I didn't know why I couldn't keep a TV set in the house until I started WATCHING some of that s(tuff). It's gone now. Not because I hate TV -- I don't -- but because it ain't your father's I Love Lucy anymore. Same with movies.
Bottom line -- help your parents see the light on how much different your world is when it comes to exposure to pritzus. I still believe honesty is a good policy.
PS: I've got LOADS to say about your using the word 'addict' to describe your emotions. Like, how to distinguish addict from normal, warm-blooded American teenager. But I'll save that for another time.