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Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble
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TOPIC: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 1902 Views

Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 13 Apr 2010 03:18 #60929

  • Chazak Amenu
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I did not masturbate so i am not quite sure what you are getting at? i was watching what happened to be a very inspiring movie about a teenage girl in hiding during the Holocaust and saw something which i wish i had not thats all.
Last Edit: 13 Apr 2010 03:20 by .

Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 13 Apr 2010 03:36 #60930

  • briut
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Briut wrote on 13 Apr 2010 02:50:

30years wrote on 13 Apr 2010 02:35:

As far your current arousal, it's a punishment[....]

Arousal as punishment? I don't know how to describe my reactions to those thoughts.[...]

OK, I was mistaken. I actually DO know how to describe my reactions to 30year's thoughts (as I understood them). I just don't think the words are proper for the Forum.

Basically, the G-d I'm going through my life with (incl this GYE life) is not the One who'd be punishing some teenager for getting a little [aroused] when eyeing a movie star. Indeed, someone so eidel as to be so sensitive (sensitized) in the world of shmutz we call golus is probably a hero in His eyes. Not going to h**l in a handbasket.
Last Edit: 13 Apr 2010 04:00 by .

Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 13 Apr 2010 04:14 #60935

  • silentbattle
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OK, OK, let's smile, pass around a...cup of 7up...and relax, yes? 

If I may try to rephrase some of what 30year was saying in less severe terms...

We live in a generation where some lust is kinda considered OK. 30year is saying that if you have these doubts, and you feel like you want to avoid something that will make you have lewd thoughts (a.k.a. triggering thoughts), then it's OK to speak up about it. And even if it's different, that's not necessarily bad. People will make fun of you? Depends on the situation, but there are worse things in the world, and you'll know that you did the right thing.

As an aside, when I was in college, my teacher played a video which was quite triggering. I took off my glasses and didn't look. However, I still regret not leaving the classroom, and I feel I should have made a public comment (it was a religious program).

As far as the "punishment" line, substitute "consequence." We train ourselves to be lustful, and so it comes easier to us - and that means there's hope. The more we grow, the easier it will be to avoid lustful thoughts. And of course, we need to remember that we're powerless. When facing a lust situation, it's always good to remind ourselves that if we let go of our rope, gravity will pull us straight down!

And I think that 30year would agree with me when I expressed my admiration of Reb CA before. he was simply sharing some of his personal approach to offer help.

Please feel free to clarify if I misinterpreted.

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Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 13 Apr 2010 04:25 #60939

  • Chazak Amenu
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Thank you Silentbattle! i would like to keep in mind i was not watchin a rated R movie it was a movie about Anne Frank it was very inspirational it had that one scene in it that i found triggered me. but the idea of the scene was to show her getting used to her body. this movie was shown in many classes in the US. it was 1 minute scene in which i saw approx. 20 seconds because the rest was FF. I am A OK now and won't be watching the movie again anytime soon.
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Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 13 Apr 2010 04:47 #60941

  • silentbattle
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Glad to hear that you're doing well. You rock.
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Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 13 Apr 2010 10:57 #60960

  • dovinisrael
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hi -

I remember reading one of Tzvi Fishman's blogs (arutz -7. He used to be a hollywood writer) ...someone once asked him what is wrong with watching kosher movies...

he basically just laughed and said Hollywood does not believe in Kosher movies. They are more interested in beautiful women and the passion, romance, etc...even if it is a "kosher"movie you can almost gaurentee there will be one scene with a lovely lady...

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Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 13 Apr 2010 11:25 #60966

  • briut
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Wow, Dovii! Very useful and interesting! (Of course, "those" Hollywood types are mostly the same "Jews" as control the banks and politics and everything... NOT. But even so....)

Oh, and I just thought of one more thing about movies. I remember some controversy when one made-for-TV version of the Anne Frank story came out. IT'S GOT TO BE THIS ONE.  There was a big thing because one scene discussed her "budding adolescence" -- something about growing breasts etc. Yes, the critics thought it was mere sensationalism; the historians said it was accurate to the diary; there may even have been boycotts.

So you're NOT MAKING THIS UP, CA! Or you, SB -- thanks for the nudge.

I'm sure Google could provide the details for you if you like. And as I recall, these details were in her original diaries; the house owners ripped out pages like these before handing it over out of privacy for Anne; someone I think the owners gave them up later for historical accuracy. (You know how obsessed the Dutch are with s*x -- have you ever been to Amsterdam's red light district -- whoa!)

So, CA, take comfort in knowing it was all DESIGNED to hit you down there. The little scoundrels.  You are a perfectly "normal" red-blooded teenager from what I read.
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Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 13 Apr 2010 11:39 #60968

  • dovinisrael
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a friend of mine produces infomercials in hollywood (frum guy)

my wife and his wife are long time friends.

my wife tells me her friend hates everything about it (hmmm..well maybe not the big house and all their nice little play toys that come with a producers salary..) she says the environment is terirble!!

shocked and surpriesed - I retaliated with but he is a frum guy, and only produces kosher commercials and kosher short films.

correct my wife states, but just because there are no sleazy (her word) women in the films does not mena her friends husband does not have to meet up with them in the studio, in the office, in the sales office, etc.

hollywood is not a kosher place - even though it was started and mainly run still run by jews

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Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 13 Apr 2010 12:21 #60978

  • Chazak Amenu
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I think Briut has it right. this movie was made in 2009 and made for the channel PBS. That part may have been accurate but was unnecessary. they could have explained that she was maturing a different way. I will tell every one something though the actuall movie was incredibly inspiring and i have been reading up about it on a website. this stuff is really interesting and captivating. The real Anne Frank was an amazing person who like 6 million others did not deserve to die. I just want to give the movie credit for doing a great job even though they stuck in something that was unnecessary.  i would recommend it highly if it did not have that part in it. what a shame. i think the idea was to show that she was a normal teenager with normal feelings. too bad. I probably won't be watching anymore movies but will certainly read up about her story as well as the others who were hiding with her.
Last Edit: 13 Apr 2010 12:24 by .

Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 13 Apr 2010 12:40 #60982

  • dovinisrael
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i understand what you are saying - and agree with you.

I am glad to hear that you are finding meaningful stories and teenagers you can relate too.

Many years ago I had a chance to visit the Anne Frank house. Very moving - very inspiring... but after going through the house, I had the feeling that Anne Frank was if not the only one, one of the few who went though the holocaust...the message was very (Dutch) nationalistic:

poor Jews.
Good Dutch (for saving them).

my other gripe about holocaust programs, books, etc is they focus on the people who died, and how they died...but spend very little time focusing on what THEY LIVED FOR!

The Kaliver Rebbe (Israel. I think his cousin is the Kaliver Rebbe in the states) survived 2 of the camps, including Auschwietz. He has spent his hole life building a memory to the people of the Shoah - focusing on what they LIVED for, the museum is called SHEMAH ISROEL - located in the Erza Torah section of Jerusalem.

well worth coming to see - and reading the related books.
(in hebrew and english)

BTW - the Kaliver Rebbe is the last surviving Rebbe from the Holocaust as far as I know. Anyone who wants to help teh Rebbe with his life time project PM me, I'll get you the info where to send donations. )

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Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 13 Apr 2010 12:46 #60984

  • Chazak Amenu
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Actually the movie did mostly focus on what she lived for. It explained what she hoped to become. At the end it mentioned what concentration camp they died in and when but it did not show anything.
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Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 13 Apr 2010 12:58 #60987

  • dovinisrael
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but were they Jewish values?

or just your average teenagers thoughts - which could have been applied to any teenager anywhere... the fact that Jews were singled out is "irrelevant"...the Holocaust as become a watered down version of genocide - which could be applied to anyone.

is this the diary you woudl have imagined reading from your bubbie ?
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Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 13 Apr 2010 13:12 #60991

  • Chazak Amenu
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She was not religious, so? she was killed for being Jewish so i don't think it could apply to any teenager. she would not have to been in hiding if she was a normal teenager but she was Jewish and therefor she died along with her mother, sister, friends, boyfriend, and 6 million other Jews.
so i am not sure she needed to have Jewish values which i am sure she possessed in some degree. How could you apply her thoughts to any teenager anywhere as far as i know most teenagers don't hide for two years in the back of a business building as to not be found by the Nazis who were aiming to kill them. also most teenagers would not remain positive throughout and even expressing that they feel  even experiencing what she was going through sh firmly believed there was good in people. Every one had a significant story which could not be watered down. My own grandfather A''H was a holocaust survivor he was frum though. 
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Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 13 Apr 2010 13:24 #60993

  • dovinisrael
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I'm not trying to beat up on you ( has v'shalom)

just curious...when is the last time you read about a Frum family in the holocaust, that were also such good, caring, considerate, warm, nice people like Anne Frank and her family.

That -w as my point.

that Hollywood has a definite slant...and method for biasing a persons thoughts.

marketing/advertising does the same thing - its called mind-manipulation.

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Re: Feeling like i am going to be in serious trouble 13 Apr 2010 13:43 #60998

  • Chazak Amenu
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I understand you are no beating up on me don't worry sorry if my words came out harsh i just feel that in order for someone to be move the story does not have to be about a frum family. i understand that is not what you are sayin but the reason Anne Frank has movies and books written about her and her story is because we already have a lot of detail about her life her thought feeling etc. we get a large glimpse into her nature ans feelings than we do anybody else. We may not here about the frummer jews because they may not have written records were not able to share there story with someone in a position to make it into something bigger. And what about Elie Wiesel he is religious. What i am trying to see is we have incredible detail about what it felt like during her years in hiding the ideas about her normal teenage life and in the broader aspect about the war.
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