Heiliga Chabura,
The entire purpose of this post is to present an idea to initiate a project that might help us all. This will be done at the end of this post so if you are tired of reading this too long post, please skip to almost the end of this post, before the story of the Imrei Emes.
First, I want to ask mechila from any of you if my posts on this or any other topic caused you any stress. I understand that this site was basically founded on the principles of the 12 step program, specifically to help yidden in, or were in, or about to be in "stage 3". But the reality is that since every yid needs help with attaining kedusha, many others not in the intended target audience need this website as much as the air they breath.
From the fact that some of you fell into "stage 3" proves to me that your neshamos are on a higer level then mine as it says in sukkah daf nun bais amud aleph "kol hagodol maychavaro yitzro gadol mimenu". This makes sense because it says in Avoda Zarah daf gimel amud alef "Ain Hakodosh Boruch Hu Ba Btrunya Im Biriyosuv". This means that Hashem doesn't throw on anyone a load that he cannot ultimately handle. Heiliga Chabura, those of you who are in "stage 3" are/were there
because you have what it takes to get out of it and be mesakin the world in the process. How you accomplish it (through 12 step or Torah) doesn't really make a difference. The bottom line is that you are doing it -slowly but surely. Although yidden on every level are fighting their personal fight, some are shooting arrows, others are shooting with pistols, some are shooting rocket propelled grenades
but with your struggles, you are firing atom bombs against the koichois horah..
I took the heiliga guard's advice and reread the entire thread. To state the obvious, we are not debating if someone who has found success in the 12 step program should chas vesholom ditch it for a solution found in the Torah. That would be against the teachings of the Torah, since it says in Medrash Eicha Parsha Bais Siman Yud Gimel, "Im Yomar Lecho Adam yesh chochma bagoiyim Ta'amin".
What we are debating is whether Mamamorei Chazal can effectively accomplish the same objective as the 12 step program. The big challenge with utlizing the Torah, is that the Torah did not present a solution to "stage 3" in a structured program. The other problem as mentioned several times in this thread, is that it is hard to find a mentor that can successfully guide someone in "stage 3" back to leading a normal life using only Torah. But that doesn't mean that Torah cannot be used successfully - it just means means that finding the solution in Torah, including the Tanya
, is extremely difficult.
You might ask me "well who cares what theoretically Torah can or cannot accomplish, since I cannot use it to help me".
The answer is that we should care since it said in the Torah that Torah is the "Tavlin". By saying it is not a solution for all "levels", we are denying something that is written in the Torah. Yes choshuver Rashkebehag, Torah can not only fight the "normal" Y"H, but also help with an addiction. The other alternative suggests that addictions are Chas Vosholom more powerful than Torah.
Chazal are full of strategies on how to climb out of whatever mess we are in and stories of others that were in similar situations. They gave us the "chuchma" handed to us on a silver platter. What they didn't give us much of was "binah", how to put this all together into a structured program. They left the "daas", how to internalize and make it "personal", for us to shvitz on.
Heiliga Guard - I am positive that these chazals can even help those that are "underwater". Together, and only with Hashem's help, we must figure out how to get the Torah "submerged" by applying it to our lives. Then everyone will have the possibility to be healed through it.
Efshshar Letaken - Please please please don't ever think that "Eish Ochuloson" is talking about someone who learns Torah in "stage 3". As you know, it says in Berachos chuf bais Amud Aleph that "Ain divrei Torah mekablin Tumah". The Y"H wants us to think that way, because if we do, then we feel inadequate and wouldn't have the desire to learn. On the contrary, Hashem told us "Veshuchanty b'soch Tumasum". This applies to people at all levels.
I therefore humbly suggest that we, who are right there with Hakodosh Baruch Hu Bosoch Tumosainu, start a project together to try to relate as many chazals as we can to our struggles, even in circumstances relating to people in level three. Besyata Dishmaya, we can hopefully build a structured program based on Torah and at least reach the level of Binah, in the implementation of Torah Tavlin. Of course, Da'as will utlimately have to be worked on individually. To quote my Tanya Rebbi, "The Tanya will give you directions to the palace of the king, bring you into the palace and show you the door leading to the room where the treasure chest is found, unlock the door for you, lead you by the hand to the chest, give you the key to unlock the chest, guide your hand so the key fits into the keyhole, but ultimately you have to turn the key". For those who might think that they are on too low of a level for this project to benefit them, please do it for me, Bardichev and others who think we can be helped by Mamorai Chazals. At the end, you will find that "Haboh L'lamaid V'nimtza Lomad".
Im Yirtzah Hashem, everyone will benefit from this project. I suggest that we start with Yoseph Hatzaddik, since his struggle with Aishes Potiphar is from the Chumash and is also currently being discussed in the chizuk e-mails.
Please bear with me one more moment so I can end with a chizuk vort that I heard from my Tanya Rebbi. I am attempting to modify it to our situation. There was a Gerrer Chusid who lost all of his family in the Holocaust. Although he had a beard, payos and yarmulka before the war, the Nazis Yimach Shemem Vizichrom took them away from him and he didn't reclaim them after the war. He moved to Tel Aviv and after some time, he missed his Rebbi, the Imrei Emes. He decided to visit him and when the Imrei Emmes saw him, he recognized him and invited him into his study and asked him to tell his story. (Parathentically, the Imrei Emes lost half his family and 250k chassidim in the Holocaust.) After the yid told his story, both he and the Imrei Emes put down their heads and weeped for a very long time. At some point, the Imrei Emes picked up his head and stopped weeping and asked the yid a question. It says in Parshas Ekev (Tes,Yud Zayin), that Moshe picked up the luchos and broke them "Li'aynachem", in front of "your eyes". Lichoira, "Li'aynaychem" is extra since he was talking to klal yisroel? He answered that it is because
the luchos were only broken in front of Klal Yisroel's eyes. In truth, there is a place where the Luchos were never broken. He applied it to the Holocaust and all the other massacres that we have endured over the years. He said that "although your family and much of my family and much of my Chasidim were killed - they were killed only in a bechina of "Li'aynachem". But there is a place where every heiliga yid still lives unbroken and totally whole."
My beloved brothers. I wish to apply this to our situation. Although we "break" our neshamos from time to time, (sometimes more often than we like and in ways even we can't believe we do),
we should remmember that this is only L'aynainu. But in the sefira of Kesser, in the bechina of "kol Yisroel", our Neshamos are totally clean and whole.
Next time the Y"H wants to tell you how bad you are, send him to the Nazis. No matter what your stage, remmember "Veshuchanty b'soch Tumasum". You might not know where that place in you is,
but the Pintele Yid in you knows, and is living in harmony with Hakodosh Baruch Hu as it says in the Zohar (and bought in the Tanya) on the posuk in Berashis Vayepach Bapov Nishmas Chaim, Man D'nofach M'Toicoi Nafach. .
Is the project a good idea?
Chazak V'ematz
Pintele Yid