London wrote on 24 Jun 2009 19:20:
I am sure that if I was well versed in Rambam, Ramban, Chofetz Chaim, Ramchal, Rashi.................. I would constantly be asking does this fit in like this sefer, let me check to see, I will be so busy making sure what I am doing fits in to the Mesilas Yeshorim, Shaarai Teshuva that I will drive myself so crazy that I would act out again in frustration...
I bless everyone on this forum that they should find a simple program that works for them.
aaron4 wrote on 24 Jun 2009 19:53:
like recovery from the addiction, Torah works with your emotional makeup, not against it.
As you no doubt live with all your being, G-d runs the World. I found for me that whatever knowledge I had of Rambam, Ramban, Chofetz Chaim, Ramchal, Rashi actually helped me do a far better program. Yes, initially the last the last thing in the world I wanted to do was the Steps but Hashem took care of that and within 10 days of my first post here on January 20th, on January 29th I joined SA, 10 days sober and Bechasdei Hashem I am still sober, one day at a time.
Now that I think about it my life before joining SA had two phases. The first was until January 20th and my first post on GUE. I learned mussar deeply and committedly for over 20 years, I had an unparalleled Rebbe for a good number of years and I learned Torah deeply. It did not keep me sober. I was unable on my own to get to the real underlying issues that drove me to acting out and so the Torah and Mussar were not directed at the true source of the problem.
Years of therapy failed to get anywhere near the issues and I felt that I would have died at the thought of telling my Rov (I now know that had I done so, he would have sent me to SA.)
I had an accountability partner for over a year, had expensive accountability software installed, almost got caught by my Rov and with the persuasion of my accountability partner I told my therapist. That took me to January 19th of this year. Through our mutual accountability software I had discovered the online posts of my accountability partner here on GUE and I was very inspired. I was convinced that finally everything had come together and I would be able to quit acting out for good. That night I acted out yet again and when the insanity had finally lifted, I made a decision to take massive action to give it up once and for all. I was finally convinced that between Torah, Mussar and a full Teshuva, Hashem would prevent me from relapsing.
That's when the second phase of my pre-SA life began. I posted my teshuva here on GUE in a way that I felt would commit me as never before and put all my pride on the line -- bishnei yitzrecho. I deliberately and provocatively took on everyone on the forum who was interested on the demerits of the 12 Steps. For over a week I remained totally unconvinced by anything anyone here posted. I had done more research than they had on the Steps, I understood the relevant maamorei chazal in a way that they did not and I was convinced that I would stay sober for life that way. I was committed to founding face-to-face Torah groups for dealing with this addiction in a way that I have not subsequently noticed among anyone else on these forums.
And so far, thanks to Hashem, I
have stayed sober. But Hashem had different plans for me. Why I cannot say. On day eight of my recovery my therapist succeeded in persuading me to join SA, which I did 2 days later. I was not easy but it took him only 5 minutes. To this day he says that the only success that he had with me in 8 months of weekly meetings was the 5 minutes it took getting me to join SA.
Now I still believe that I may have been able to stay sober for life without the 12 Steps. But I know with certainty that there is no way that I would have been any use to anyone else this early in my recovery -- it's just 156 days into sobriety and through no merit of my own, and only through Hashem Yisborach I now have four Frum sponsees, have started a face-to-face SA back to basics group for Frum yidden, an online back to basics group and tonight a back to basics phone conference for Frum yidden all with the guidance and help of a sponsor who has taught me what I had been unable to learn from anyone else.
So, should I have continued on Torah alone? Absolutely not, without a shadow of doubt I can say with absolute certainty that Hashem decided that I am more useful to Him if I do the Steps.