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Tried-Trying-Will Try
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TOPIC: Tried-Trying-Will Try 3027 Views

Re: Tried-Trying-Will Try 19 Apr 2010 13:57 #61873

  • 123.trying.123
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Thank You...

I really want to heal...
I plan on doing whatever I can...

I find it very interesting that none of you offered 'advice'...
I am fairly certain that my issue is a bit different than others here, I might need more tailored advice. That's why I am discussing this with some professionals....

I wonder if you all picked this up on your own, or if I kind of gave off vibes of "No advice please" or something...

Either way I am thankful... and will do my best to make your efforts -and of course mine- pay off (by my healing)....
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Re: Tried-Trying-Will Try 19 Apr 2010 14:02 #61875

  • silentbattle
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It has nothing to do with my efforts paying off - I just want to see you happy!
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Re: Tried-Trying-Will Try 19 Apr 2010 21:52 #61962

  • DovInIsrael
hey tried...

I've got lots of Issues in my bag called LIFE!

wanna trade some?
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Re: Tried-Trying-Will Try 20 Apr 2010 04:41 #61992

  • 123.trying.123
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I joined Duvid Chaim's group today....
It's a great group... I'm so happy to have this opportunity...

If anyone is hesitant to try it... I can tell you that there is absolutely nothing to fear... (Other than becoming a better person... If that scares You :D)

Thank You G-d for all the opportunities you provide :-* :-*
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Re: Tried-Trying-Will Try 20 Apr 2010 21:33 #62133

  • silentbattle
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Awesome! Congrats on taking a huge step forward!
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Re: Tried-Trying-Will Try 21 Apr 2010 04:34 #62203

  • 123.trying.123
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I just want to share that my higher power is taking care of things for me these days.... (although I'd like for him to do more and faster ;D)

I saw a list of inspirational songs on the GYE new home page...
I listened to one of them:

"Efshar L'taken" by Mordechy Werdiger... I was crying... he makes such a great point...

If I really really believe that with one slip I can ruin worlds.... than I must believe that with one sincere act of kedusha I can rebuild worlds... This was so profound to me, I'd like to share why...

A few nights ago I had a dream where I saw a large group of men all dressed in black and wearing black ski masks.... In my dream I saw that these were the Neshomos that I destroyed by Hz"l.... The dream was frightening..... I couldn't get back to myself... but when I heard this song I realized that if G-d made it that with one act you can destroy so much....
If I really believe that, then I must believe that with every act I take to recover or be a better person... that I can create amazing worlds and Malachim.....

This past Shabbos I cried so so hard by the words V'zakenu L'kabel Shabosos M'toch.... Miet Avonos

I was thinking about the words... and it struck me that the words Miet Avonos is odd... we want few sins? Shouldn't we pray for no sins...?

I had two answers:

1) There is no one who has no sins.... We simply want to do the best we can...

But then I thought of a better understanding:

2) Mitoch Miet Avonos means= A state of reducing/recovering from aveiros.... I asked Hashem to help me be in the process....

May G-d grant me the serenity to accept what I can not change and the courage to change the things I can... and the wisdom to know the difference...

Peace and Love unto all my fellow brothers....
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Re: Tried-Trying-Will Try 21 Apr 2010 05:11 #62209

  • dovekbashem
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Thanks Tried. You gave me much needed chizuk today.
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Re: Tried-Trying-Will Try 21 Apr 2010 06:35 #62216

  • Sturggle
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wow, Tried, that is a beautiful understanding of those words,
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Re: Tried-Trying-Will Try 21 Apr 2010 14:25 #62256

  • silentbattle
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That is beautiful - and I like what you said before, a LOT - if we can cause damage, than we must have at least an equal ability to repair that damage. In fact, as a general rule, the power of good is far stronger than the power of bad.

And if the damage we do is real, then the building we do is real, as well - and you should feel fantastic about that!
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Re: Tried-Trying-Will Try 21 Apr 2010 16:15 #62297

  • Dov
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Very nice to read, thanks again T-T-W T!
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: Tried-Trying-Will Try 21 Apr 2010 22:26 #62346

  • 123.trying.123
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I saw a sign posted on the door of someones office:

Success is like wrestling a guerrilla
You do not give up when you get tired
You give up when the guerrilla does...

I liked that sign...

Fellow Rednecks, Lets do some guerrilla wrestling.....
Last Edit: 22 Apr 2010 03:14 by .

Re: Tried-Trying-Will Try 22 Apr 2010 07:44 #62394

  • Holy Yid
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i think Dov would tell you to run away or you'll get crushed!
זכרני נא, זכרני נא, וחזקני נא אך הפעם הזה, הפעם הזה, האלקים, ואנקמה נקם אחת משתי עיני, מפלשתים
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Re: Tried-Trying-Will Try 22 Apr 2010 09:48 #62402

  • 7yipol
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Wow Tried,

That was really beautiful (liked the guerrilla one but am referring to the Efshar L'takain!) and very deep. I have what to think about and internalize for the day!

Never give up till your very last breath. There is ALWAYS hope, because Hashem loves us unconditionally more than we can ever fathom. And the main manifestation of this love is the fact that He instituted the concept of teshuva. Tatty wants us to succeed!

Your attitude and perseverance inspire me. Thank you!
Hashem is addicted to you! Feel His hugs!"Sheva yipol tzaddik VKUM"
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Re: Tried-Trying-Will Try 22 Apr 2010 10:03 #62405

  • 123.trying.123
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7Up wrote on 22 Apr 2010 09:48:

Wow Tried,

That was really beautiful (liked the guerrilla one but am referring to the Efshar L'takain!) and very deep. I have what to think about and internalize for the day!

Never give up till your very last breath. There is ALWAYS hope, because Hashem loves us unconditionally more than we can ever fathom. And the main manifestation of this love is the fact that He instituted the concept of teshuva. Tatty wants us to succeed!

Your attitude and perseverance inspire me. Thank you!

Thank You... I am always happy to hear that I was able to inspire someone or be M'chazek someone....

A life lived for oneself alone is a life not worth living!!!!

One more thing....
I still have big issues with relating to G-d and believing that he is loving and kind... (I have trouble with Tefila...)

My latest approach is to take the few moments (often far and in between) that I am able to feel a connection to some degree... and go with it....

Is it real...? I don't know....
But "You fake it till you make it"

And besides: is my lack of ability to connect to Hashem Real...?

Who determines what's real and what's not..?
My mind is not uni-dimensional. It is complex and made up of many different parts...

So I believe that it is possible to:

Hate and also Love...
Feel very distant and yet feel close...
Be understanding and yet be angry...

We are not Monotone... We are very complex and have various different parts to us... some parts are in harmony with other parts... and some not...

Thank You for everyone who stops by to offer a kind word... It means a lot to me...

Peace to all...
Last Edit: 22 Apr 2010 10:19 by .

Re: Tried-Trying-Will Try 22 Apr 2010 10:13 #62407

  • 123.trying.123
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Holy Yid wrote on 22 Apr 2010 07:44:

i think Dov would tell you to run away or you'll get crushed!

I hear you...

But wrestling doesn't have to be head on... it can be through joining a group... being useful to others... being willing to try new things... being willing to get up after a fall...

The point is... To succeed I will never tier.... period.

And even if I do tier... I will not give up and quit... I'll try to find a way to ride through my 'despair' and do my part in becoming ready for my higher power to give me the opportunity to get back up...

Will I do this perfectly... NO
But I will simply try.... That's it... If I don't succeed so be it... but I will do my best to do my best...

Peace and Love Brothers...
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