Me3 wrote on 07 Jun 2010 13:53:
My Goodness! Don't you think you are Getting a little carried away here!
Hey, MeMeMe. I don't think Kedusha's getting carried away at all! It sounds trivial, but it does reflect on a distinction that's very very distracting (to me) from the society we're in.
Confusing some false god with Hashem the Eternal G-d is a big problem. It's not a typo. It's a yesod we should never ever ignore.
Coupla years ago, Moshe Feiglin was running for Knesset. He's one of the few who wears a Kippah in Likud (he's now gone; 'nother story). His bus ads said to vote for him "ki yesh lo elohim." (Because he has an 'elo--om.') My Anglo friends were outraged! (the ad spelled Elo-kim -- shaim haShem -- without a koof or a chik; brought his frumkeit into the election; trivialized Yad Hashem's role in E'Y, etc) Until they realized the ad meant elohim with a real HAY, meaning "he's got a boss" (and therefore not subject to corruption, stupid decisions, whatever). Not that "yesh lo Elo-k-im" (which probably wouldn't be a selling point to many Likud members anyhow).
Anyhow, long tirade here, but my basic point is that distinguishing between an idol and HKB'H is not a trivial typo of a matter. Of course, He'd probably be makel on His kavod if needed to keep us from bothering Guard or ch'v embarrassing him, so maybe He'd want us to let it go anyhow. Hmmnn.