SASBT, not to worry. I gots me shrinks. I gots me farm-and-suiticals. I gots me tools for living. I'm not gonna be goin' crazy on you.
I just welcome to chance to come "out of the closet" with this mood thing, since our average frum community has SUCH a stigma on it.
[Tell someone you like p**n, and you might get a self-righteous snicker (or even a knowing smile). Tell them you've had cancer lo alenu, and you'll get sympathy until it's shidduchim time for your kids. But tell someone you've got a mood disorder going on, and only the meds keep it in check, and you've got them running for the exits. Maybe everywhere, but totally so in Frumville.]
So, I'm not worried about how to banish the beast, I've just been curious to explore which came first, the mood swing chicken or the lustaholic egg.
Thanks for your concern, though.