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new to this...unfortunately
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TOPIC: new to this...unfortunately 898 Views

Re: new to this...unfortunately 09 Jun 2010 15:54 #69689

  • jack
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 502
  • Karma: 10
the way it ended up on this thread is because i'm a batlan when it comes to these things, and a klutz.
ok, better news.yes, i got my start on GYE. and my life is totally better. i hope all of you can join me! life is SO much better.whenever i think of our leader, i cry my eyes out at what he did for me.please, chevra, i beg you from my heart, please get this thing under control!! if you're not ready to do it for yourself, do it for guard, or do it for Hashem, but do it! get a sponsor, call him 10 times a day if need be (just in the beginning). and read my recovery story.i usually dont talk this way about myself, but for this it's worth it!
elul is just arounf the corner - take the bull by the horns and run!
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Re: new to this...unfortunately 09 Jun 2010 16:40 #69700

  • bardichev

last week (oops) two weeks ago

the gabbai asked me to start a niggun

that will roch the house shteeble

guess what we sang??

badda dadada dadda dada da

badda dadada dadda dada da

brar a  bidadad dad dada

bara di dara dar

dara dar dara



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