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I just fell
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TOPIC: I just fell 1229 Views

Re: I just fell 17 Feb 2010 00:55 #53707

  • 123.trying.123
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I think it's ok to be frustrated... (I would...) But Don't give up...

R' Noach Weinberg who many consider to be the founder of the Teshuva Movement, had tried to open 5 different organizations and failed....

His 6th!!! was Aish Hatorah....

Everyone knows about Aish Hatorah... Does anyone know anything about the first 5? No

Point is: Never give up... with determination and learning from mistakes you will succeed... The times you failed wont matter.....

Hope this helps, Keep us posted...

P.s. I started this thread immediately after I had fallen hard...
Now just a few days later I am back on my feet and stronger than I was before I fell...

There is always Hope!!!
Last Edit: 17 Feb 2010 00:58 by .

Re: I just fell 17 Feb 2010 01:18 #53712

  • bardichev
Tamshich Trukking
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Re: I just fell 17 Feb 2010 01:57 #53726

  • shemirateinayim
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He helped found Ohr Sameich.....so ummmm, one of the 5 is still 'floating'.

But please do use R noach as an example to live by. Toward the end of his life, he was in NY to give a shiur in R Yerachmial millsteins yeshiva, and he borrowed the office of a former talmid (who is a rebbe in the yeshiva).  FOr 15 minutes he consentrated intently on the letter he was composing, only to suddenly walk out of the office, and throw the paper into the trash.  The astounded talmid couldn't contain his curiosity, and retreived the crumpled ball of paper.    What could it have been, that occupied R noach for 15 precious minutes, and wasn't neccesary of being put in shaimos!!    The page turned out to be a compilation of 'random' letters, not spelling a single word, or making any sence.      Desperate to understand and learn from his rebbe, that talmis contacted a close talmid of R Noach who would be farmilliar with his rebbe's current sedarim. 

It turned out, that R Noach zt"l was chazering mesechet Baba Basra. And that page contaiined a letter corresponding to every single sugya in BAba basra. R noach had reveiwed the entire mesechta in those 15 minutes, sugya by sugya, entirely ba'al peh!

The hasmada of R Noach, sets a standard for every single individual who bussieas himself with kiruv rechokim, to strive to acheive. Kiruv is not a way out of torah, it's a way in. And those who seek to be the embassador of Torah Umitzvot, had better be holding!!

R noach slept for 1 hour, every 8th hour!!! he learnt all the rest of it!
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Re: I just fell 17 Feb 2010 05:39 #53747

  • 123.trying.123
  • Current streak: 10 days
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sHeMiRaTeInAyIm wrote on 17 Feb 2010 01:57:

He helped found Ohr Sameich.....so ummmm, one of the 5 is still 'floating'.

Aside from Ohr Sameach, he had opened 5 different organizations/yeshivas that fell through his 6th was Aish and only afterward was Ohr Sameach founded....
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