Dear heiligeh INH yid: It was nice to read your open and honest post. Thanks. Keep the frank-ness and things will keep getting better.
I feel the same exact way as the above yidden and say: consider keeping your date intact and moving on. Humility in sobriety is a good thing. The last thing I need is to maintain the lie that my sobriety is "perfect". It is a gift, never fully earned by me and I do not look a gift horse in the mouth!
We are not dealing with alcohol or cocaine here, where the lines (pun intended) are reasonably clear. It's lust. We do not have a way to draw a clear sobriety definition for lust. SA uses "sex with self or anyone other than the spouse" as its bottom line. Of course, anyone can choose their own. I believe in the Torah and the issur of hirhur bayom connected to hotzoas zera balayla. Nevertheless, as being frum enough never stopped me in addiction, I choose to remain far away from hypocrisy in sobriety, too. I do not associate what's assur or mutar with my sobriety directly. I keep it by the program. hashem takes care of the rest.
(In fact, my Best Eternal Friend has "taken care of the rest", as I have never [yet] had zera levatola even nocturnally since around the start of my second year of sobriety, BH - I am not showing off, just passing along hope)
I would feel batterred and down, yes, but would not change my sobriety date under your circumstances, my friend. I'd also have to work the steps (1-6) to get free of the down-ness, and quick, because: if I feel batterred and down enough - trust me - I'd be acting out soon anyway! With love and appreciation,