I am absolutely positive that, in my case, there was no substitute for biting the bullet and meeting to talk in person with other guys who were sober. Specifically other guys who were at least as bad off as I was (or worse) to start with (in fact, worse off was better, cuz it proved more to me of the power of recovery!). We know exactly what it feels like to think of something that is totally self-destructive and to desire it anyway. We know the excruciating pain of not acting out our mishigas'n - even though they are totally nuts. So we are not ashamed of admitting it to eachother, thank G-d, and can finally get and remain completely honest about it with somebody.
How long will the addict remain afraid to get the gruesome details - in all their shameful stupidity - out into the light? That is how long they will probably hold sway over him. (tzetel koton is similar on this)...and that will be just the very first step, you know. G-d has a lot of work to do on us, cuz we can get a lot better, you know. Stop accepting the scraps off the table. Get a big bite of the main meal!!
This virtual thing is a giant leap in the right direction, don't get me wrong please. But if we see that we need more to make it, then how much more do we need to suffer and put our precious relationships at risk before taking the necessary painful steps?
For me, those steps were coming face2face with other addicts who saw right through all my BS and also exactly knew my pain, and came out the other side alive. I needed meetings, a sponsor, and an open, open, open fellowship with others like me to get better.
We are all afraid of a different life, until the one we have becomes totally unbearable, of course. It all depends on what you want: the same, or better?
Hey, you asked me.... ;D