I was thinking this Mashul in terms of this idea of surrendering and someone tell me if this is what it is because I think its an extremely focal point of the recovery process: So youre in 8th grade and this bully starts picking on you and your whole life he picks on you and you try to fight back but nothing works. Afterwards you just end up on the floor with a bloody nose, scratches and broken bones. After a while you realize he gets his pleasure when you fight back. SO the next time you say you arent going to fight back you'll just surrender. And the next day the bully comes into the playground and here's how it goes down:
Bully: "Hey INH, you ready to do this?"
INH: "Na not feeling it today"
Bully: "What do you mean lets fight. What are you a wuss?"
INH: "I guess so. Ya Im a wuss. You win again!"
Bully: "Well I wanna fight so we're going to fight"
INH: "Sorry not gonna happen I give up you already won the fight"
And as INH walks away he turns around and sees the bully with an empty and sad look on his face. He realizes he just won. This is our battle with the Yetzer Hara. He wants us to put up somewhat of a fight so he can fight back with all his strength. Once we partake in the battle he uses all his power and might to defeat us. And he doesnt just want to defeat us, he wants to pulverize to the ground so we wont get up. But, if just give in before the fight even starts, the Yetzer Hara has nothing to get us on. He cant use all of his powers to get us down and keep us down.
Does this make any sense???