I totally hear the idea.
If I may make a counterpoint, and maybe some food for thought.
There’s been a lot of discussion lately on other threads about streaks. I totally agree with everything that’s been said. I would perhaps argue the other side for a moment, not because I disagree with all the important points made lately, but rather to kind of bring out the other side of all this.
The bottom line is, that the reason why “clean days” are emphasized here versus “fighting days”, is because as probably most people here on this site know all too well, we tend to rationalize certain behaviors, as we have done for years. All too often, a guy can be lulled into a sense of comfort and complacency by seeing an impressive “fighting day” streak, while in reality he is still trapped in the vicious cycle of PMO-Regret/T’shuvah-Bad Feelings Wears Off-Repeat.
So, the clean day streak is very helpful in showing a guy who’s been masturbating daily or weekly, to start putting some space between the falls, all the while learning how to change stuff inside, how to deal with urges, how to deal with uncomfortable emotions etc.
I think its fair to say that yes, despite all the inherent truths about it not being all about the streak, at the end of the day, it shows us real progress, as chaimoigen said, the cumulative effects of a lengthy streak are often where real strides of inner change take place. It shows that I am dealing with the general stresses of life in a healthier way without turning to the “bottle” for every little ache or pain.
That does not mean that a fall destroys everything, not at all! That does not mean there was no growth. Rather what it means is that you can still be reaching for your drug in times of need, and the longer you last, the more you’re ingraining the idea that PMO is just not a solution of any kind to my problems.
Of course, “effort” has infinite value, and we should be proud of heroic efforts. Truly. And there’s a wealth of ink spilled on this idea here. But as a metric for actual inner change, is it fair to wonder if a fellow who’s putting in herculean efforts to stay clean and still falls to PMO every week or two, is it fair to question whether he is still indeed trapped in a vicious cycle?
So, in that sense, perhaps the idea of clean days is pretty important? I’m just throwing out these thoughts, tell me what you think!