Day 101 ב"ה
Ok so I have already been on the news / gye for approx 10 minutes today. Rather than throwing in the towel I will be'h try to stay off of news, youtube, social media, and lhavdil gye till tomorrow.
Like amevakesh said, part of the insidious nature of technology use is the fact that any single interaction with technology may have nothing bad about it, but it somehow shleps you in to a whole state of being where you are living as a passive entity, surfing the waves of an endless sea of shtusim. And even though there may actually be much content which is not shtusim, when you're interacting with it in the passive way of 'surfing' you're not tapping into the sechel that's there, but rather an extremely superficial way of 'how does this content tickle me'.
When I was learning full time I barely ever went on the computer. I mostly went on to download shiurim which I would listen to on an mp3 player. The shiurim I would listen to tended to be quite dense in nature and require paying real attention to get from. At a certain point I found myself downloading shiurim of a different nature, where there was entertainment thrown in, jokes and such. I actually believe that that was the beginning of the road to technology addiction. Often if you mention how harmful technology is you'll be met with a response about how 'but there's so much good on there too'. And there is truth to that, there's really no denying it. However from the perspective I'm bringing up, even the positive content on the internet can be interacted with in a way where all you get is the klipa of it and none of the pnim.
Technology addiction to me means a thirst for a constant hischadshus in experiencing the world but hijacked by the most superficial part of experience.
The nefesh hachayim talks about how in every moment Hashem is bringing the world into existence by way of a different צירוף of His Name. Meaning not just is it true that in every moment Hashem is being mkayem the creation, and the creation has no existence outside of His 'פעולה', but the existence itself is of a totally different nature in every moment, and on the most basic level it is a way of 'communicating' a different message to us.
I saw from Rav Yaakov Meir Shechter bringing from Rav Nachman that every moment Hashem is being mchadesh chidushei torah. Those chidushei torah are nislabesh in the world as the events that occur. Every Jew has a desire to be משיג those חידושים, and if he is not being משיג the חידושי תורה through a חיבור to תורה itself, then he will feel a need to be משיג them through hearing the news.
I think what I'm talking about is something even worse. If one is interested in hearing the news he is at least interested in hearing the chidushim that are occuring in the briyah. But with technology addiction, it's not even an interest in actual chidushim. It's in interest in having the experience of chidushim without the actual chidush. Like there's something in the נפש which interacts with חידוש and you're just trying to be מעורר that inner כח to have the experience of חידוש without actually coming to imbibe any חידוש.
I hope I'm being clear. In other words there's a deep inner need to be masig chiddush, because the truth of reality is a process of constant chiddush, and therefore true existence for us is being פונה towards that chiddush. And that need expresses itself in multiple layers within the person's consciousness - here we're identifying 3 levels - 1) to be masig the etzem chiddush with sechel in torah (obviously many levels of that) 2) to be masig what's coming from that chidush mtoch seder haolam (news) 3) to have the experience of being פוגש that chiddush, the hisorrerus of kochos hanefsh.
And technology addiction means cutting ourselves off from the deeper levels and trying to satisfy the whole need for chiddush mtoch the most superficial level.
So like I said before I'm going to try and work on this thing today. If you want to be in touch PM me with your email address and I'll see the PM in my email and respond. Have a great day!