Dear tzadikatheart,
My heart goes out to you! What a difficult (but courageous) journey! I totally relate with all the feelings you describe, especially the despair you're having at the moment. You're going through a difficult phase. But you should know that its all normal. Don't get so upset about it. So many of us have been in a similiar situation but eventually succeeded. I have been there as well. Hit rock bottom. Falling is sometimes harder then winning.
The fact that your struggles started at such a young age definitely makes it more difficult (might be worth going for some therapy btw).
I also started young, at the age of 5 I had a curtain wierd sexual habit (that I'm embarrassed to share even though it's all anonymous here...) and at the age of 7 years old I would masturbate whenever i could (climax without ejaculation). At 9 years old I had a friend with whom I would get together every few days to do some sexual stuff... Then, at 11 years old I was abused by an uncle on a weekly basis until my bar mitzvah! By me it was an escape. My parents were fighting day and night and - from a very very young age - I took responsibility. There was immense tension at home, talks about divorce... really tough times... so I ended up endulging in my sexual fantasies...about the girls who would give me the love and warmth I so desperately needed... i discovered pornography (my parents were also naive so we had an unfiltered computer during all of my teen years)... it was a comforting and warm place to escape to but ultimately it left me with a brain that was damaged and wrongly wired. Wired to think that I can't manage without. So even once I left my home and went to Yeshiva and eventually got married to a wonderful wife - I couldn't stop. No matter how much I tried, I fell again and again. Each time harder then the one before. I had
years of dispair. The more I fell the more numb i became and the less motivated I was. I was furious. I was ready to give up all my yiddishkeit... but BH with the help of GYE I've managed to brake free and I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel....Apologies for writing so much about myself, I got carried away... but I guess its comforting for you to know that other people have also had a tough journey and that dispair is very normal. Its just another challenge to overcome.
As I once heard from a great Mechanech: יאוש, שלא מדעת - dispair is not from the דעת, its from the סטרא אחרא.
Don't give up!
"Try your best and Hashem will do the rest" - I promise it works!!
Speak to friends. Post on your thread. Read TBOTG (see link in my signature). Take it ODAAT. Celebrate even the smallest wins. And iyH no doubt you will succeed!
And if you need another bit of motivation and reason why you should get this beast under control, then maybe read
this great post (by choosemyshem).
Looking forward to hearing from you updates...
Stay strong,
Wow such a story. It hurts me so much to read it, but it gives me so much strength and hope when I see that you still got up and fought against this beast of a Yetzer Hara anyway.
Really I can't explain this feeling I have inside when I see others who are struggling and are vulnerable with eachother, and get up and fight every day. I have holed up and hided this part of me for 10 years. Connecting with others and hearing stories like yours gives me a new strength I've never felt before. Thank you so much