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Ein oid milvado
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A platform of recovery for Jews who find themselves struggling with addictions to pornography, masturbation or other sexual problems. Post anonymously about your struggles without fear of anyone finding out who you are. Ask questions, post answers and be inspired! Get tips and guidance from the experts who moderate this forum, as well as from fellow strugglers.
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TOPIC: Ein oid milvado 121 Views

Ein oid milvado 23 Jun 2024 00:59 #415622

  • yehudam
  • Junior Boarder
  • Posts: 27
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Hey, how's it going hope everyone is well Im going to try give a quick run down of my story soo I was born in israel moved to England at the age of five I guess I grew up as a normal kid until the age of around 12 I was exposed on my grandads computer in his workplace to what would be the battle that I'm still fighting today at the age of 25 so life moved on my parents got divorced when I was 13 and it all went downhill from there I was getting ipods, ipads for my bday presents with my dad having no idea what full Internet access could do to a kid but it hit hard when I discovered the world of porn my little secret, fast forward a couple of years I finished high school and went to a yeshiva/collage wasent there for to long I'm guessing bc of my struggles bc everytime I would get off I would go home and go on the iPad, so after I left that yeshiva I got into the world of drugs mostly smoking weed this would be a nightly thing in the park so I was working job to job but mostly messing about and smoking weed but knowing deep down weed was a problem for me as I would enter this world of over thinking to the most extreme level, so I ended up going to israel for a gap year yeshiva where the problems started getting worse I would drink every night and go out and party and chase women I broke my viginirty in Israel and ye that was that, so after yeshiva I entered this pre army program that I saw my freind do and thought It will be cool to join the army in Israel, so I did that program it was very difficult but at same time fun, fast forward around a year later I joined the army I got into an elite unit, but I guess with all the messing about that I did I wasent at all prepared for that mentally, so a couple of months into the army almost a year I left by telling them I want to kill myself they let me go no sweat

Re: Ein oid milvado 23 Jun 2024 01:09 #415624

  • yehudam
  • Junior Boarder
  • Posts: 27
  • Karma: 1
How do I add on the stuff that got cut out

Re: Ein oid milvado 23 Jun 2024 01:17 #415627

  • yehudam
  • Junior Boarder
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Re: Ein oid milvado 23 Jun 2024 01:17 #415628

  • yehudam
  • Junior Boarder
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Re: Ein oid milvado 23 Jun 2024 01:17 #415629

  • yehudam
  • Junior Boarder
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Re: Ein oid milvado 23 Jun 2024 01:17 #415630

  • yehudam
  • Junior Boarder
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Re: Ein oid milvado 23 Jun 2024 02:27 #415637

  • horizon
  • Gold Boarder
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Ein od milvado... what a username!

I'm sorry for what you've been through, that's a bunch...

I'ts a great place you've come to. stick around, get to know some of the good guys around here, and know that there is hope. you can beat your struggles and grow higher and higher. בס"ד.

טאטע טאטע טאטע איך וויל זיין, יא איך וויל זיין, א ירא שמים

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Re: Ein oid milvado 23 Jun 2024 10:53 #415652

  • yehudam
  • Junior Boarder
  • Posts: 27
  • Karma: 1

hi so i had to move to my laptop as it wasent working properly on the phone so after the army i got into a very deppresing phase after that i gained alot of weight so i got back to england after the army and started working and smoking again and clubbing even started gambling i got to such a low level that i even paid for s## so the year after the army was a scary one for me then it happend hashem was sending me a message and it wasent a tap in the back kind of message it was a slap in the face so to call i ended up in a mental hospital in israel and in england and then everything changed from there this was around 5 years ago, before i ended up in the mental home in england my neshama screamed out shema yisroel and everything changed i started putting teffilan on everyday i started keeping the holy shabbos i reached incredible levels on my fitness i got absoutley ripped i was running half marthons and i started going to a nightly chabura fast forward to today im getting up at 5:30am during the week im going to a morning chabura ive got an amzing job with amazing bosses ive got the chabura i go to in the evening and im going to 3 minyanim a day ive tagged all my devices since last year after watching some scary shiurim about the damage a person does when he wastes seed in the upper worlds and recently i manged to do a 96 day streak but i fell due to stress and anxiety bc of certain life circumstances e.g shidduchim etc.... but overall im doing amazing todays day and age but of course im dealing with alot of baggage and its painful but im pushing through it one day at a time and im currently on a 6 day streak and ye thats about it. looking forward from hearing from all of you
p.s i had a very choshav zandik i dont how i got the zechus and why...... it was reb chaim kanivasky 
kol tuv

Re: Ein oid milvado 23 Jun 2024 14:42 #415657

  • climbing1
  • Fresh Boarder
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Wow Chazak V'ematz!

Re: Ein oid milvado 24 Jun 2024 19:22 #415759

  • jewizard21
  • Expert Boarder
  • Posts: 107
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Wow! You are a true inspiration to me that against the odds you got up and are still fighting. 
May you continue to grow with bracha and hatzlacha from the zichus that you get through fighting and now inspiring others to get up and continue as well!!
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