Shalom Uvracha!!!
My best years were spent in those hallowed walls, soaking up the roar of a thousand voices raised in struggling through the subtle nuances in a Birchas Shmuel, and a Biur HaGra and then figuring out how to put it all it back into the Heilige Rashba… Youre giving me Major Gaaguim!!
One of the downsides of learning Sugyos on a Ramah that requires one to invest time to develop the complete breadth of the Sugya, all the Rishonim, Biamkus, and all the Chesbonos down to the bottom, is that it’s not conducive to simple goals like finishing the Mesechta or Miktzoya in Halacha. The goal of “knowing” is less defined in this context. And unfortunately, the benchmarks for success have evolved sometimes to be getting a certain kind of Shteller, which detract from attainable goals for a regular yungerman. (The Shteller isn’t as good as learning the Sugya until 3 AM, anyways, you can take it from me
For me, the game-changer was consistently writing. If you wait until you have a Shtikle Torah you have no idea of how much you are losing of YOUR OWN accomplishments. Write a Sikum of yhe Sugya. Start when you’re still in the middle. Your thoughts will take form. You’ll “fill in the dotted lines”. You’ll stay up finishing what you’re writing , later than you planned (make sure your laptop has a good filter, and that your wife has the password).
You will imyH find that your sense of accomplishment in your learning will develop and become more defined, as will your goals. Youll remember better.
And imyH you’ll write a Sefer everyone will use.
…and only come on GYE to give other people Chizzuk….
Wish I was back there, it is the happiest place in the universe when you’re growing…
KSIVA Vichasima Tova, friend.
Missing my old seat, I am,
Chaim Oigen