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Life Goals: The Kollel Life
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TOPIC: Life Goals: The Kollel Life 319 Views

Life Goals: The Kollel Life 13 Sep 2023 19:14 #401116

  • iwannalivereal
  • Current streak: 534 days
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Hey y'all

As part of the Flight to Freedom program I am trying to clarify for myself my life goals and dreams, and I'm having a hard time with it.
I'm learning full time in BMG and am doing well b"h. However when thinking in terms of long term, although I very much do want to stay in learning for as long as possible, I don't feel like I have a specific goal or dream that I'm trying to accomplish. I come to yeshiva and learn through the sugyas and that's it. The only goals I have are very short term, like learning through a Sugya, figuring out pshat in the rashba, and on occasion I'll have a goal of writing a shtikel torah or saying a chabura. When it comes to life goals though, although I do have some sort of goals for example I want to go through the yeshivish masechtas and then to move on other areas (Shabbos, Chulin etc.), and possibly get a job in the chinuch field, I don't feel as if there is much of a specific goal and dream that I'm trying to accomplish and that I am actively driving for on a daily basis.

Although I never noticed it, I am now realizing that although I do enjoy my learning, this lack of a long term goal, and the lack almost of a daily drive towards a longer and bigger goal might very well be part of my struggle.

Any feedback or thoughts on the matter would be great!
Feel free to say hi! iwannalivereal@gmail.com
Check out my story here!

Re: Life Goals: The Kollel Life 13 Sep 2023 21:15 #401119

  • ainshumyeiush
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I feel you %100 im in yeshiva right now and Ive had the same thought. I realized this when i was reading thought 7 habits (great book by the way) and i think the way to deal with it is to realize what a life goal is. Someone might think their goal is to be a specific job, but really that's just a way to have money to support your family. Your life goal should be more character focused. Like a supportive friend, a caring father/husband and someone reliable. Not sure if i explained clearly, but just my two cents.
"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm" - Winston Churchill

Curiosity kills the count


feel free to get in touch

Re: Life Goals: The Kollel Life 13 Sep 2023 21:19 #401120

  • future paltiel
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Hi there, welcome to the club!
First of all, from what you ate writing it does sound like you are a real Ben Torah and someone who wants to grow. Start by raising your glass for that and for starting the Flight to Freedom program!
If I may suggest something, although it is in the short-term, you can start by structuring your Sugyos by asking yourself "what's the topic? What are we looking for?" And developing a Mehalech from there. Your Maskanos at the end may differ from your starting point or end up in צ"ע , it's very common. It might not be the norm where you are learning, but trust me it gives incredible סיפוק  in the short and long-term, especially in a few years when you will recall מוסגים or מהלכים  from the Sugyos you have learned with ease, even more if you write them down, as anytime you will just open your writings you will have an increase of Nachas kicking in, cites from talmidim of R' Binyamin Batsri Zatsa"l (If you are comfortable with the process of course. If not it's perfectly OK and what matters is that you enjoy your learning). It might not be in the norm where you are learning, it is all up to you. 

As for long-term goals, the Messas Yesharim if studied regularly can help. Have you ever tried בלבבי משכן אבנה? Amazingly beautiful Sefer! No words to describe the beauty and cleverness written! Try to take a look at www.bilvavi.net
Hatzlacha, you are a source of inspiration שנה טובה ומתוקה!

Re: Life Goals: The Kollel Life 13 Sep 2023 23:13 #401123

  • eerie
  • Current streak: 918 days
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Hi, my friend! I think you are very right, not having a goal in mind reduces your sipuk and general happiness greatly. So, the eitzah, I would think, profound beyond, is....to make goals!!! A little tip, now I regret that when I was in BMG I didn't right extensive notes on the sugya, it would have helped immensely in preparing shiurim. That can be an attainable goal, write notes, make charts, anything you think you might want in case you do end up in chinuch
Feel free to say hi. My email is 1gimpelovitz@gmail.com

Re: Life Goals: The Kollel Life 14 Sep 2023 02:54 #401124

  • chaimoigen
  • Current streak: 650 days
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Shalom Uvracha!!! 
My best years were spent in those hallowed walls, soaking up the roar of a thousand voices raised in struggling through the subtle nuances in a Birchas Shmuel, and a Biur HaGra and then figuring out how to put it all it back into the Heilige Rashba… Youre giving me Major Gaaguim!! 

One of the downsides of learning Sugyos on a Ramah that requires one to invest time to develop the complete breadth of the Sugya, all the Rishonim, Biamkus, and all the Chesbonos down to the bottom, is that it’s not conducive to simple goals like finishing the Mesechta or Miktzoya in Halacha. The goal of “knowing” is less defined in this context. And unfortunately, the benchmarks for success have evolved sometimes to be getting a certain kind of Shteller, which detract from attainable goals for a regular yungerman. (The Shteller isn’t as good as learning the Sugya until 3 AM, anyways, you can take it from me ). 

For me, the game-changer was consistently writing. If you wait until you have a Shtikle Torah you have no idea of how much you are losing of YOUR OWN accomplishments. Write a Sikum of yhe Sugya. Start when you’re still in the middle. Your thoughts will take form. You’ll “fill in the dotted lines”. You’ll stay up finishing what you’re writing , later than you planned (make sure your laptop has a good filter, and that your wife has the password). 
You will imyH find that your sense of accomplishment in your learning will develop and become more defined, as will your goals. Youll remember better.

And imyH you’ll write a Sefer everyone will use. 
…and only come on GYE to give other people Chizzuk….

Wish I was back there, it is the happiest place in the universe when you’re growing… 

KSIVA Vichasima Tova, friend.  

Missing my old seat, I am, 

Chaim Oigen
Please feel free to reach out anytime at chaim.oigen@gmail.com

Perhaps you'd enjoy seeing Chaim's Oigen
Last Edit: 14 Sep 2023 03:23 by chaimoigen.

Re: Life Goals: The Kollel Life 21 Sep 2023 12:44 #401401

  • bright
  • Current streak: 99 days
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iwannalivereal wrote on 13 Sep 2023 19:14:
Hey y'all

As part of the Flight to Freedom program I am trying to clarify for myself my life goals and dreams, and I'm having a hard time with it.
I'm learning full time in BMG and am doing well b"h. However when thinking in terms of long term, although I very much do want to stay in learning for as long as possible, I don't feel like I have a specific goal or dream that I'm trying to accomplish. I come to yeshiva and learn through the sugyas and that's it. The only goals I have are very short term, like learning through a Sugya, figuring out pshat in the rashba, and on occasion I'll have a goal of writing a shtikel torah or saying a chabura. When it comes to life goals though, although I do have some sort of goals for example I want to go through the yeshivish masechtas and then to move on other areas (Shabbos, Chulin etc.), and possibly get a job in the chinuch field, I don't feel as if there is much of a specific goal and dream that I'm trying to accomplish and that I am actively driving for on a daily basis.

Although I never noticed it, I am now realizing that although I do enjoy my learning, this lack of a long term goal, and the lack almost of a daily drive towards a longer and bigger goal might very well be part of my struggle.

Any feedback or thoughts on the matter would be great!

Do you have any rebbeim you can talk to? Its really a conversation you can have with them. Additionally, look into out of town kollels, you will have many clear goals then without having to start planning your departure from learning full time.
Nothing good grows in the dark. 
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