Hi Ark!
Truth is, when you think about the shidduch system, it's a very goal-oriented system. Which is good, because it's a system put into place to accomplish a specific goal (we can argue another time about details that could be tweaked to make it more efficient, 'kay?).
The problem with that is, of course, that it becomes all about, "what are you looking for?" Shadchanim very rarely ask, "so, what have you done recently with the goal in mind of making yourself a better husband for your wife?"
So, we can easily become focused on what WE want. And Dov and Guard are right...we need to remind ourselves, for every time we talk about what we want and need (which could be valid), we also need to ask ourselves Dov's question (preferably after we're done talking to the shadchan, or we won't get many suggestions at all - strangely, shadchanim aren't into guys that talk to themselves, even if they're saying intelligent things).