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Day 120
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A platform of recovery for Jews who find themselves struggling with addictions to pornography, masturbation or other sexual problems. Post anonymously about your struggles without fear of anyone finding out who you are. Ask questions, post answers and be inspired! Get tips and guidance from the experts who moderate this forum, as well as from fellow strugglers.

TOPIC: Day 120 2062 Views

Re: Day 120 14 Aug 2023 20:29 #399850

  • 5Uu80*cdwB#^
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bright wrote on 14 Aug 2023 18:53:

I haven’t been so active on GYE… but this man’s posts always hits my core. Firstly it’s amazing your so far in this battle. It shows that your so correct on the way you understand this battle. Yesterday I didn’t read through the whole post but I skimmed through it and one line you wrote struck me - you sounded your internal alarms that you’re fantasizing now and it’s a dangerous territory. This showed me that that’s the main part of the fight. People don’t realize that.. 
Personally I have a lot of gedarim in place etc. but I always struggle with getting rid of the taivah itself. (I assume many people here struggle with that) last night I felt that taivah building up again. Or we can call it fantasy.. although it was such a quick passing thought.. always sounding like what if I do XYZ. Or imagining if I do XYZ or thinking about how it can feel etc but I thought to myself this is what that guy on GYE meant. Now is the time to sound the internal alarms that we are in dangerous territory because or else we’ll find a way to act on our taivah. It just gets stronger and stronger from there! Don’t let it grow! 
Bh this tactic worked and because i stopped that ugly face early on in the “fight” it’s much easier. I recommend to all of GYE to try this idea.. and even more, understand that you might not realize the root of all your battles. Hatzlacha and thank you for helping me!

I definitely hear and resonate with what you are saying. Just one thought is that if its the type of thought that is fleeting and will go away by itself, turning it into a battle may be counterproductive, I find many of my thoughts are this way. I tell myself "so what you want to do this or that, okay next thought" It doesnt sound exactly like that but you get the idea. There is no reason to fight when you dont have to. Unless it is the type that will inevitably get bigger. Most of the time "what you resist persists" 

Well said. If you resist a thought, it will persist.
I absolutely agree that approaching lustful thoughts that pop into our mind [against our will] as a non-alarming entity and simply moving on from them is highly effective. I do this regularly. It does take practice to not get scared and alarmed by lustful thoughts and to simply disengage and move on, but it is highly effective. Thank you for writing it out.
In light of this, I hear the he'ara about "sounding the alarms". I suppose what I meant about sounding the alarms on that occasion is that I was beginning to drown and my usual attempts to move on were on were not working. I can't entirely remember all the circumstances and why this would be. Maybe moving on would have worked if I had been more calm and not wanted to fall as bad as I did at that time. I don't believe I was sounding sounding my alarms to think more about the thoughts and fight them, but rather to gather grit and motivation to simply not collapse at that moment.
If you are wondering why you can't stop masturbating even though you're guarding your eyes, it's because you're fantasizing.
Last Edit: 14 Aug 2023 20:33 by 5Uu80*cdwB#^.

Re: Day 120 01 Nov 2023 21:24 #403126

  • 5Uu80*cdwB#^
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Day 782:
I've been experiencing some negative emotions over the past two weeks. I think chief among them is frustration. Frustration is such a toxic emotion. I'm trying to stay positive but of course it's an avodah.

Hashem, please help me to make it through these turbulent waters. I feel like a small boat in a big sea. Hashem, please help me to see that You are guiding me every step of the way. Help me to not turn to addiction. Help me to turn to You alone.
If you are wondering why you can't stop masturbating even though you're guarding your eyes, it's because you're fantasizing.

Re: Day 120 19 Nov 2023 03:49 #403799

  • 5Uu80*cdwB#^
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Day 800:
Baruch Hashem!
If you are wondering why you can't stop masturbating even though you're guarding your eyes, it's because you're fantasizing.

Re: Day 120 20 Nov 2023 15:41 #403862

  • frank.lee
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Good to see you,  5u...

Re: Day 120 07 Mar 2024 17:32 #409720

  • 5Uu80*cdwB#^
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Day 909:
Baruch Hashem, I'm still shteiging! Thank you, Hashem, for helping me to beat this addiction for 909 days and counting using all of the tools that you have endowed me with to do so and thank you to my friends here on GYE for your continued support! I have been soaring in my Avodas Hashem over the past several months and have attained new heights in my learning and davening, among other great new developments in life.

Remember that lust and fantasy are the root of the whole addiction. If you slaughter the root cause, the entire snake will die. If you just attack the symptoms, you are setting yourself up for failure.
If you are wondering why you can't stop masturbating even though you're guarding your eyes, it's because you're fantasizing.

Re: Day 120 07 Mar 2024 18:52 #409723

  • Heeling
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Chazak U’Baruch

You can win the fight, but I'll have to live with the loser.

Any excuse you use for yourself, you must be willing to use for your wife.

Not Always can I understand others, but I can always respect their wishes.

You're human, it's okay.

One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other.

Re: Day 120 07 Mar 2024 19:40 #409727

  • chancy
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Dear 5U
I am happy to hear that! BH! 
I would love to hear from you what tools you use to fight the root cause. 
Of course I know that just working on Porn and Masturbation is not enough. You would be white-knuckling.... 
Of course I also work on not having or maintaining a fantasy or wallowing in lust. 
However, I still dont know how to not have fantasies or  lust? I have a very fast perception and my mind will go there instantly before i have a chance to not think. 
Any Ideas or advise would be very helpfull indeed.  

Re: Day 120 07 Mar 2024 20:22 #409729

  • 5Uu80*cdwB#^
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chancy wrote on 07 Mar 2024 19:40:
Dear 5U
I am happy to hear that! BH! 
I would love to hear from you what tools you use to fight the root cause. 
Of course I know that just working on Porn and Masturbation is not enough. You would be white-knuckling.... 
Of course I also work on not having or maintaining a fantasy or wallowing in lust. 
However, I still dont know how to not have fantasies or  lust? I have a very fast perception and my mind will go there instantly before i have a chance to not think. 
Any Ideas or advise would be very helpfull indeed.  

There is of course a lot to say about this. I don't think the reality is that in long term recovery you will never or even almost never have a fantasy or thought of lust after being where we have been in our past. Rather, lustful thoughts and fantasies will likely enter our minds on occasion still (certainly a lot less frequently than before, though), and I think a lot of recovery for me has been reprogramming how I react to these occasional thoughts of lust in the immediate few moments of their entering my consciousness. When I first started my recovery and was still in the throes of addiction, the entrance of a lustful thought into my brain meant that I was "doomed to masturbate because I have no choice now, it's inevitable, there's a thought of lust in my head, I have to masturbate at one point or another now so I may as well get it over with now." This, of course, is patently absurd to the recovered mind. There is nothing farther from the truth. This is classic addictive thinking. You absolutely NEVER "HAVE to masturbate." That is what we are convinced of, though, בשעת addiction. Now, though, 909 days into recovery, when a thought of lust enters my stream of thoughts, I usually have the maturity and experience to realize that this is nothing more than a thought. I can usually genuinely and calmly think to myself, "Huh, okay. That's a lustful thought. Anyway, I have things to do now. Let's move on.", and I just let myself move on without forcing the thought away and without checking to see if the thought is still there five minutes later. I simply let my mind relax and move on. It was by no means always this easy for me to move on from such thoughts. But this is ultimately central to success. The more you can relax the mind and simply let yourself slip into your next productive activity, the better off you will be.
There is really so much to say here and I don't have the ability to write down much more write now. This is a start. Please let me know if this was helpful for you and if you would like me to elaborate on something more.
I really wish for you the best. May Hashem help us all in our continued recovery.
If you are wondering why you can't stop masturbating even though you're guarding your eyes, it's because you're fantasizing.

Re: Day 120 07 Mar 2024 20:36 #409731

  • chancy
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Thank you for your reply. 
I am of course working on the same thing. I am BH able to move on, but the thrill of the first second that the thought pops into my head makes it hard for me to keep doing it for long. 
I get upset, thinking why do I have such lust? why cant i be normal and not think about this? I m not interested in that now! In short, im still fighting them, im afraid to simply let them go because what if i stop fighting and they actually sink in? 

Re: Day 120 08 Mar 2024 02:00 #409741

  • 5Uu80*cdwB#^
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chancy wrote on 07 Mar 2024 20:36:
Thank you for your reply. 
I am of course working on the same thing. I am BH able to move on, but the thrill of the first second that the thought pops into my head makes it hard for me to keep doing it for long. 
I get upset, thinking why do I have such lust? why cant i be normal and not think about this? I m not interested in that now! In short, im still fighting them, im afraid to simply let them go because what if i stop fighting and they actually sink in? 

Thank you for your response.
1. Don't get upset at yourself when you have lustful thoughts that you didn't ask for. This is actually a very important first step. You need to have compassion on yourself. When a lustful thought enters your mind that you didn't ask for, have compassion on yourself. Realize you are human. Do not attack yourself. If you asked for it or were פושע (no filter, went were you shouldn't have, etc.), that's a different case and I don't want to talk about that case now. Let's focus on the case when you didn't ask for the thought. Have compassion on yourself. It's okay. It's just a thought. Just move on. It will go away when you let go of it.
2. You say you are still fighting the thoughts. That's the problem. Stop fighting the thoughts. This is not a battle with thoughts. It's just a release of them from your mind. You just need to let go of the thoughts and move on from them. It's like someone holding onto scalding-hot metal bars and screaming in pain and the onlooker is saying, "Just let go of the bars and you'll be okay!"

You are fighting your thoughts. Don't fight them. Just let go of them. And don't beat yourself up for having lustful thoughts if you are doing everything you can to limit your exposure to sexual content of all types. If you are still exposed to such content in any way, you have to immediately eliminate that exposure. That's פשוט.
Does that help?
If you are wondering why you can't stop masturbating even though you're guarding your eyes, it's because you're fantasizing.
Last Edit: 08 Mar 2024 02:01 by 5Uu80*cdwB#^.

Re: Day 120 10 Jun 2024 17:55 #414976

  • 5Uu80*cdwB#^
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Dear GYE friends,
I am now >1000 days clean. Baruch Hashem!
I want to reiterate the same things I've been posting about for the past several hundred days. See my past posts for this content.
Keep up the good work to all here on GYE who are working on these inyanim.
You are important.
Take care.
P.S. Dam Hayomi of Mishneh Brurah with Dirshu begins Hilchos Shabbos today. Join!!!!
If you are wondering why you can't stop masturbating even though you're guarding your eyes, it's because you're fantasizing.

Re: Day 120 10 Jun 2024 18:14 #414977

  • redfaced
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May you slide down the banister of happiness and get many splinters of success up your career

Feel free to send me an owl, a howler, or even a Crumple-Horned Snorkack to Iamredfaced@gmail.com

The Red Face
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