I am doing this totally for myself,but perhaps if I share it may help others...
I would like to accept upon myself bln a kaballah regarding recreational internet use for the duration of Chanukah. I am specifically making this lenient (as you will see in the details) so that it will beH really happen. I invite all others to join me or even outdo me in this endeavor.
- I will not spend more than 30 minutes a day alone using recreational "Kosher"internet. I am leaving the definition of Kosher in the eyes of the beholder.
- Obviously anything remotely "unKosher" is not allowed at all!
- Any internet use for work is not part of this
- Email use is generally not part of this (unless I see it is an issue)
- Time spent with others (Wife,kids etc) while online is not part of this. Together means really together,not just they are present nearby.
- Shopping for essential items is not part of this
- GYE is not part of this!
Others greater than me (R' IMG) have made far stronger kaballos in this area. I look forward to the day that I can do this as well. For now this very weak sounding Kaballah is challenging enough for me!
There is no reward or punishment for keeping or breaking this other than the feelings of accomplishment or challilah the opposite.
It may give chizuk to me or others if people respond that they are joining me in this. Feel free to tailor make this to fit your needs,level etc.
A Freilichen Chanukah!!