eyes wrote on 08 Oct 2021 17:48:
Sorry guys to disappoint you.
Thank G-D I didnt really fall, but I did.
Nothing came out BH, but I have been such an animal on the internet today.
I am not sure what has gotten into me, but I just had that time.
I will keep my count for now, but it was a very hard day.
I wish I had my techloq but I have a apple so only gentech is good.
I am closing my computer for now.
It's been hard for me too today. Has lots of thoughts about a fantasy I have. And I felt pretty confident that calling one of my SA friends would help a lot, but I felt bad about calling because I feel foolish calling all the time. I wish I could go to more meetings but right now I'm not able.
I have to quit being an idiot and make a phone call, and if I get rejected I get rejected.
It got easier when I sat and read from the White Book again. Anything to remind me what my real problem is.