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I like porn
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A platform of recovery for Jews who find themselves struggling with addictions to pornography, masturbation or other sexual problems. Post anonymously about your struggles without fear of anyone finding out who you are. Ask questions, post answers and be inspired! Get tips and guidance from the experts who moderate this forum, as well as from fellow strugglers.
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TOPIC: I like porn 1562 Views

Re: I like porn 16 Apr 2021 07:02 #366925

  • shower640am
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excellence wrote on 16 Apr 2021 05:01:
Dear Shower640am,

Firstly, cool name!
Secondly. yet again I have just met another Yid who one day when asked by someone the above question 'I Like Porn', will turn around and say
"i know exactly what you mean, I was also like that once upon a time, and I guarantee you that even though it's hard to give up on this pleasure right now, it's just because you're so caught up in it, but once you live the truth you will despise it"
His name is shower640am

Don't let this opportunity slip by, you have no idea how many people you will one day be able to help..... if helping yourself wife and children is not enough.....

love excellence

Honestly, thank you so much. This was actually very inspiring for me and nice to hear, I even got a little emotional reading it. It was nice seeing someone speak about me after I take care of my problems, how it's not a question, but the future. How it's for sure gonna happen. And that I will be someone to look up to. Maybe this is immaturity but I appreciated it nonetheless. 
Thank you.

Re: I like porn 16 Apr 2021 07:11 #366927

  • shower640am
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onthewayup wrote on 16 Apr 2021 04:46:
You may not be ill but I do think that it will be much harder for you to break free from these things. Think about it, you really want to be part of that culture? Where sex is cheap, can be paid for. There is no relationships, just each one fulfilling their desires, be it financial from one side and bodily desires from the other? For me, that life is repulsive. I do not think there is anything as repulsive to G-d where people are comfortable about their abhorrent life styles. Yes we have desires and fall from time to time. But, in that moment where the desire dissipates we reject all that we see on that screen. In fact, in the bracha of    
I have the people that run these industries.
Personally, I find myself maybe attracted to one 'star' but just the desire. I may go back to them and even think we have a connection but I know in all honestly, there is nothing there. This is an empty woman who has sold her soul to the demons of desire.

If I have been too harsh I am sorry, just my thoughts. Feel free to message me.

I don't want to be part of that world, but honestly, I think it's just because I'm frum, and my life won't work with that. I can't live a frume life with that. No girl will ever marry me, I will be shunned by everyone I know. I won't be able to face my family, etc. These types of things. So, theoretically, even now, were I to have sex with someone on camera but my face was blurred out, I don't think I would care.

Re: I like porn 16 Apr 2021 07:34 #366929

  • zedj
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Shower640am wrote on 16 Apr 2021 07:02:

excellence wrote on 16 Apr 2021 05:01:
Dear Shower640am,

Firstly, cool name!
Secondly. yet again I have just met another Yid who one day when asked by someone the above question 'I Like Porn', will turn around and say
"i know exactly what you mean, I was also like that once upon a time, and I guarantee you that even though it's hard to give up on this pleasure right now, it's just because you're so caught up in it, but once you live the truth you will despise it"
His name is shower640am

Don't let this opportunity slip by, you have no idea how many people you will one day be able to help..... if helping yourself wife and children is not enough.....

love excellence

Honestly, thank you so much. This was actually very inspiring for me and nice to hear, I even got a little emotional reading it. It was nice seeing someone speak about me after I take care of my problems, how it's not a question, but the future. How it's for sure gonna happen. And that I will be someone to look up to. Maybe this is immaturity but I appreciated it nonetheless. 
Thank you.

The possibility of you looking back and realizing you are now in a position to help others is not a far away abstract idea or a dream. It's reality! The question is, how much do you want it to be reality? Are you ready to commit to let go and be in control over yourself?

The reality is literally in your hands! 

Wishing you much success on your journey and know that we are all rooting for you!  

#1 rule of GYE-
Take it one day at a time/one urge at a time.
before you know it you will be in a place you hardly knew possible.

Oh and... Welcome to the club!
I hope you stick around and keep us updated.

One who has given up hope is without a G‑d.

One who sees hope in each day is already free

Last Edit: 16 Apr 2021 08:06 by zedj.

Re: I like porn 18 Apr 2021 22:09 #367032

  • doingtshuva
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Shower640am wrote on 15 Apr 2021 04:41:
Everyone talks about how porn is really gross, and how right after you act out, you get grossed out because it's a gross thing and you find it abhorrent. But, you feel that you need the release so you go back to it. But, porn is gross, we know that in our worst moment. 

I don't want to trigger anyone and I don't know everyone's tolerance level, so you're forewarned.
I'm not so sure. I actually think that I like porn. I know the names of way too many pornstars. My friends (most of them) always said that they don't know any names; they just go on and watch. I'm not like that. I have pornstars that I like, pornstars whom I would love to have sex with, etc. I was even on a subreddit about people talking about pornstars that they slept with, how much they charged, what the experience was like, information to get in touch with their agents to book a night, even sometimes someone posted a video of them with the person. I've been on worse sites before, needless to say, but I mean to say that I actually take some interest in them outside of their physical body parts. 

Something that really interests me is this famous site where women just post videos of themselves and pictures, but they also interact with you. So, you have a relationship with the person you masturbate to. I've never subscribed to that site because I don't want to pay, but that is actually my dream. Texting someone who posts videos of themselves having sex, sending them pictures of my own body parts, them telling me what they think about my body parts, etc. I would love to interact with the person! I don't think porn grosses me out at all. Am I ill? Is it going to be that much harder for me to get off of these stuff?

I would recommend you to listen to some of the ex- pornstars that managed to survive their illness or abuse.
So many of them had died and so many of them are sick for life. 
​I have listened to some of those stories and its scary to hear what they go through for just a few bucks.  
There isn't a bigger bluf than porn. 
​I believe that if we would really know what's going on behind the scenes porn would disgust us.
 *  NO, It's not all or nothing, just every bit counts!
 *  I failed yesterday, and I might fail tomorrow. But just for today I'm going to give it a try.
 *  Being curios made me lust and get into trouble.

אָמַר רבי יוחנן: אֵבֶר קָטָן יֵשׁ לוֹ לָאָדָם, מַרְעִיבוֹ = שָׂבֵעַ, מַשְׂבִּיעוֹ = רָעֵב

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Re: I like porn 03 Oct 2023 01:36 #401795

  • tun
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Yes I totally think that listening to the people is a great place to start for yourself

fightthenewdrug.org (or .com) they do a great job at this side of things. They have stuff on YouTube or Spotify. Thanks for sharing your story and hope to hear more from you soon

Re: I like porn 03 Oct 2023 17:42 #401834

  • bright
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Shower640am wrote on 15 Apr 2021 04:41:
Everyone talks about how porn is really gross, and how right after you act out, you get grossed out because it's a gross thing and you find it abhorrent. But, you feel that you need the release so you go back to it. But, porn is gross, we know that in our worst moment. 

I don't want to trigger anyone and I don't know everyone's tolerance level, so you're forewarned.
I'm not so sure. I actually think that I like porn. I know the names of way too many pornstars. My friends (most of them) always said that they don't know any names; they just go on and watch. I'm not like that. I have pornstars that I like, pornstars whom I would love to have sex with, etc. I was even on a forum about people talking about pornstars that they slept with. I've been on worse sites before, needless to say, but I mean to say that I actually take some interest in them outside of their physical body parts. 

I don't think porn grosses me out at all. Am I ill? Is it going to be that much harder for me to get off of these stuff?

Hey, you are toatally normal. There are people that are obsessed with movie actors, their lives etc. This is no different, the only dif is that porn objectifies women in a way nothing else can. That may make it harder for some to relate, but there are plenty that do. I was one of them, though not to the degree you are saying but would have gotten there prob. Now BH its 240 days... You can do it! Feel free to reach out haragra14@gmail.com
Nothing good grows in the dark. 

Re: I like porn 03 Oct 2023 19:19 #401838

  • doingtshuva
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It destroyed my job and life years ago and my marriage till today.
So why in the world do I want to go back watching this evil stuff ?
Looks like life is so messed up that I believe I don't have what to lose.
 *  NO, It's not all or nothing, just every bit counts!
 *  I failed yesterday, and I might fail tomorrow. But just for today I'm going to give it a try.
 *  Being curios made me lust and get into trouble.

אָמַר רבי יוחנן: אֵבֶר קָטָן יֵשׁ לוֹ לָאָדָם, מַרְעִיבוֹ = שָׂבֵעַ, מַשְׂבִּיעוֹ = רָעֵב

Gye program + Handbook  -  Taphsik method  -  90 day chart  -  Ebooks  -  Shiurim  -  Rabbi Dr. Avraham Twerski  -  Recent topics on the Forum
Last Edit: 03 Oct 2023 19:21 by doingtshuva.

Re: I like porn 17 Oct 2023 05:58 #402375

  • meirz
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littlebylittle wrote on 15 Apr 2021 09:56:
Hi my heart goes out to you yes regarding actors i know exactly what you mean but what are you thinking about sleeping with them? Why would you want to sleep with someone who has been with so many men? Remember the reason why they are interacting is because of business its no way a real relationship. It's fake you are interacting with that person to fulfil one thing... LUST. You should know sex in real life is nothing like what you see in those videos its a different experiance entirely. Regrettably the internet has fuelled a generation which view women as 'play things' and guess what this addiction doesnt get better it only gets worse unless you work on it.

Porn did not gross me out ... i was enjoying it way too much so i iunderstand where your coming from but after a clean period you do actually regret all the watching and all the mzl because in the end it was a form of escape from the real world, magical, curiousity, release anger but ultimately it broke off my relationship with HaShem by not keeping to the covenant of Avraham Aveinu.

Maybe find out how many actresses commit suicide? Or on drugs? How are they abused? They are someone daughter or grandaughter! How do their family feel about what they are doing???

This is not the Jewish world! The sin of zenus with the daughters of moab? Why this sin? Because its powerful!!! Soo powerful that they would serve avodah zara afterwards.

The choice is yours do you want a relationship with a girl who in it for money/business. Or do you want a relationship with Aveinu Shabashamayim. And NO just because we keep shabbos and kashrus and lets say learn a few hours a day ... doesn't cancel this huge sin shmiras habris is way way up there... what do you think we have a bris? Because its the biggest physical pleasure but even that we have to guard and it's not enough just having a bris.... we need to GUARD it as well.

Its up to you.. ok so your honest with yourself thats the first step ... now what are you going to do? Are you going to give in or make a stand? Remember the one thing in life which we can't pause is TIME and if you commit to 90 days and 'there is a fall' dont worry... you simply get up again until you bezrat HaShem succeed.

Be strong and much hatzlacha!!

Wow wow, I like the way you explained it so clear a eye opener even though I knew everything before
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