fr33et wrote on 20 Dec 2020 16:11:
Perhaps it is foolish optimism, but this morning I feel ready to stop for this week at least. That said, I think you have a good idea, Grant. I am not ready to make a decision about filters (I did put some mild ones on my phone, we'll see if that helps), or even to make a final decision about stopping, if I'm honest.
I think it will be quite enlightening to have more discussions here. In real life, it is hard to talk about this, and even if I did the people I know would have a hard time understanding why I care. They seem to think M is totally normal. They would be supportive but they wouldn't get it. They don't see how fake it is or how it subverts human life.
I have been hesitant to post here because I worry that the people here will not understand the other side of me---the side that believes that I need P and M or I can't deal with reality. It's not just urges or lust, it's that all day I have to make decisions in the face of a world I can't control and don't understand. With P and M, for a little bit of time I can "control" the part of the world that enters my mind. Even though it's fake, I worry I can't face up without that escape.
So for now I will take your advice. I will spend more time here and I will be a more active participant.
Hi Fr33et,
I feel you and understand you.
I really do. I watched porn almost on a daily basis a couple of months ago and have had my fair share dealing with masterbation.
I didn't think people could understand me either.
Rest assured
We can relate to you.
Keep posting an updating!