Hi fellas. I'm not even sure who is on this platform anymore. To all the old chevra, if you're still around, I miss you. To all the new guys, welcome!
I had a pretty awesome streak for some time. Then, when things became difficult in every area of my life, I jumped right back into my old ways. At this point, everything feels like it's achieved a strange equilibrium. Things have gotten easier with my job and leaving Kollel in general, but at the same time, I don't feel like I'm growing at all in my Judaism. I have a few things that I try to hold on to, but even those are the bare minimum. I'm not OTD or anything, but I am hardly doing any positive obligations of Yiddishkeit. I hope to tip the scales back towards doing the things I know will fulfill me and give me purpose. But if more stressors are added to my life, I'm afraid I will backslide into the dark place where I recently found myself.
A GYE friend and I decided to go for 90 days. Today is Day 0 as I messed up already. I will post tomorrow for Day 1. I hope he decides to join me in posting our journeys.