First things first, congratulations on accessing this site!
It is the foremost step in this journey, so give yourself a pat on your back. Regarding advices, maybe the CBA (cost/benefit anlaysis) and the urge management techniques are an excellent start. Having a clear idea of what and why are you doing may help you a lot; and after you've written it you can always check it again in case the urges come. In my case, the pros of not doing it clearly overweight the pros of continuing with it. After that (or at the same time), beginning the 90 day count could be the next step. And to put up a site blocker.
Nevertheless, there's a
handbook written by the staff where they divide
the problem in levels explaining what they consist of and what they recommend to do in each of them to treat it. You should read it, check where you think you are, and act consecuently.
Send a mail to
info@guardyoureyes.org to get either of them.
Wish you the best, you're not alone, and congratulations again!!
PD: I'm adding the CBA file, in case you didn't get it or whatever.