BH I'm getting close to hitting the one-year mark of sobriety! I don't remember the exact date of the last time I acted out, but I know it was some time in early Elul last year. Immediately afterward I thought to myself, "We just had Tisha B'Av a few weeks ago. It's Elul; I'm supposed to be getting myself ready for the most intense period of Teshuva of the entire year and THIS is what I'm doing?!"
Since then I've just been taking it one step at a time. First I said I'd get through Elul. Once I did that I told myself to hold out through the Aseres Yemei Teshuva. Then sukkos. Then I told myself it's just a few more days to finish off tishrei. Once I got through tishrei I asked myself if after nearly two months of sobriety I was just going to give up as soon as there wasn't a big milestone coming up; that got me through Marcheshvan. Next I targeted Channukah. Tevet and Shevat were very difficult for me. That point, about 5-6 months in, was undoubtedly the time I struggled the most. That was when I made this forum post: . But once Adar rolled around I had Purim to target and then Pesach. And then, I'm not sure exactly when it happened, but I'm pretty sure it was some time during sefiras haomer, things suddenly got so much easier. I suddenly didn't have constant urges to act out. I can go weeks at a time without even thinking about it. And now here we are, less then 24 hours away from Rosh Chodesh Av.
I'm not sure exactly why I decided to make this forum post. Maybe I just wanted to tell someone about my success since this is still a secret part of my life in the real world. There are certain people who I honestly would love to tell this to since I think they'd be sincerely proud of me, but for now I'm too embarrassed. But anyway, maybe this can somehow be mechazek the olam.
I'm certainly not completely over this problem. I still get urges, sometimes very strong, to act out. Now that I think about it, I've had urges a few times in the past couple of weeks. Probably because of some extra stress at work right now. I literally just put that together as I was typing out this post, so maybe the element of self-therapy is part of why I decided to post this message.
Anyway, I've rambled long enough. May our sincere efforts to improve ourselves and overcome our yetzer harahs be counted as merits for klal Yisrael and may they help tip the scales so this coming Tisha B'Av will be the very last one we mourn in our galus.
I guess I can answer questions people have for me.