ieeyc wrote on 27 Mar 2018 15:51:
hi, i also have that feeling by kosher sex , although its not for a few days,maybe till ,the next morning, although when i was a bachur i would have it for a few days ,headaches too,which i attributed it to depression /sadness from falling into such an aveira,also there are times that i would do mb more than once a day then i really felt tired ,i think scientificaly there is something released to make someone tired since the purpose of the ta`ava was fulfilled, to have children,hopefully,there is an expression that a mans best friend after being together with his wife is his pillow.
how do you know that you have something unusual , you asked your dr.? do you steadaly get the hours sleep that your body needs?alot of people are negligent in that, so that plus zera levatala surely adds to the tiredness,the Rambam says that the zera of a man is kocho shel adam, the strength of a man.
im sure there are vitamins that take care of the tiredness which i assume you shouldnt take if that will cause you to act out, youre not tired now , i assume.
hatzlacha , and im happy you stopped 83 days , i wish you more and more days , i myself stopped a year before my chasuna BH and it really was a great foundation to start a marriage with,may you find your basherta very quickly!
p.s. on days that i act out im more tired then when i have kosher sex, and i attribute it to sadness for doing such a sin ,hatzlacha.
Hi Thanks for reply. What im referring to is not depression or sadness, its actually physical feelings
more then just tiredness, ie stomach goes funny, i feel drained in my body and no energy to do anything, lazy sort of feeling my eyesight feels weaker etc etc.. cant think
I have not asked anyone but just assuming that because no one ever complains about these things to the extent that i do and also other people just get on with the life, even after mb many times even if they are doing hard activities after.... Just was my assumption. and no i should prob get better hours sleep, but i am not majorly tired ever and deff seen better feelings since stopping to act out and just in general happier and
one thing for sure my learning has been amazing.
Amen thanks. and yea so u are saying its deff different when involved in kosher sex - mitzvah ?
Ps when did u let ur wife know about your struggles and when do you recommend telling if at anytime ??