silentbattle wrote on 13 Dec 2010 20:25:
ZS - how do you work on feeling that more? I've been htinking about setting aside a few minutes every day to focus on remembering that hashem, my wife, life itself, are good...and that I can be happy.
More, that the ability to be happy lies in me. Darn, that's hard to remember sometimes, and harder to do.
i think you have it right there. focus on how much good you have in your life. you went on an amazing journey, turning your life around, and now you have an impressive distance from the past, and you are now married to a great wife.
probably the best way to feel it is by doing it. identify to yourself the thoughts that go through your mind, when you feel yourself worrying about something. say to yourself, i will not worry about this, i will do something about it if i can but i will not worry about it. i trust Hashem. He brought me this far and i can trust Him to keep on seeing me through things.