Briut wrote on 25 May 2010 16:29:
3. Remembering [if this kind of argument speaks to your particular flavor of frumkeit], that there IS a deadline for getting this work done. Moshiach could be here any minute, and with him is the retirement of the Y'H. After that, there's no more mitzva opportunity for avoiding a 'lav,' because NO ONE will be tempted to sin. Basically, our scoreboard in the 'negative commandment' area is frozen. Where do you want your score to be frozen? And when do you think he's coming?
OK, just stole this from another thread (Morshax's, on the "introduce yourself" board). I'm...impressed. Very.
This takes "one day at a time" to a whole new level, at least for me. Until now, the idea was, "well, you can't worry about tomorrow, you need to just focus on today" - because if i focus on tomorrow, I'll lose today, too.
This, however, offers a different perspective. "Worry about tomorrow? Who knows if this
opportunity for growth will even
be here tomorrow?! Seize the day, take advantage of today, because this is the only opportunity that you have for sure!"
So, when we're faced with a nisayon, think, "Who knows if I'll ever again have the
chance to grow from a nisayon?!"
This can be applied to every area of avodas hashem, too...
I love it!