Do you learn 14 hrs. a day?
If I (OK not me... Bill Gates...) offered you $100 Million...
Would you be unable to do it....?
i suppose that you'd find a way to do it....
OH!!!!!!!!!! SO YOU CAN LEARN FOR 14 HRS. A DAY!!!!!
The reason you are not doing it is not because you can't do it... but because you convinced yourself that you can't do it....
The guys who don't convince themselves that they simply can not do it (like the Godol/Rebbe of your choice...)...
Are able to do it... look at R' Elyashiv, R' Vosner, etc.
You chose not to be like that...
I disagree with this point despite the seemingly airtight logic. What we “can” and “can’t” do ultimately ties in to emotions. If we don’t feel a connection to Ruchniyus, we won’t last long in the Bais Medrash no matter what we “tell ourselves”. We can override our emotions under extraordinary circumstances (like when offered a million dollars to learn for 14 hours), but only briefly. In the long run, we seek fulfillment of the soul. We act out because we think, incorrectly, that it will provide fulfillment. We don’t learn even though it DOES provide fulfillment because we never REALLY thought that learning would be satisfying, even though we may have told ourselves that it would. We never really thought so because it was never properly explained to us, on an emotional level. It never pierced our heart; we didn’t “connect” to it. Torah and G-d are one…and if we don’t relate to G-d, we can’t relate to His Torah. This is why the 12 Steps work. They guide us to the only possible thing that can cause real change – a spiritual connection. The best part is, we’re not
learning it, we’re
experiencing it. Being an addict that has hit rock bottom gives us, ironically, our first
truly internalized experience. We
know that we’re powerless over lust in a way that we have never known anything else before. It’s not a theory, not even a really great theory that we’re convinced of 110% - it’s a
fact. And once you start with your first fact, you’ve “broken through” to a new level of reality. If there’s one fact, there can be others. And once He becomes a fact, you’re in good hands…