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making the silent battle...not.
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TOPIC: making the silent battle...not. 91375 Views

Re: making the silent battle...not. 24 Jan 2010 15:57 #48029

  • imtrying25
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Re: making the silent battle...not. 24 Jan 2010 16:00 #48032

  • Ineedhelp!!
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Yiddle2 wrote on 24 Jan 2010 04:58:

ITS 12 AM!!!!!! MAZAL TOV!!!!! :o :o :o :o :o :o ;D ;D ;D ;D :D :D :D :D

silentbattle wrote on 24 Jan 2010 15:51:

Thanks Kedusha, and KG - and Ano, yeah, it happens - I really appreciate the call!

I'm hoping to go all the way to the full WOH 90 days, soon enough...and beyond!
Yiddle2 wrote on 24 Jan 2010 04:58:

ITS 12 AM!!!!!! MAZAL TOV!!!!! :o :o :o :o :o :o ;D ;D ;D ;D :D :D :D :D

Hey I dont get a shout out?? Just kidding  :D :D :D MAZAL TOV AGAIN!!!!!

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Re: making the silent battle...not. 24 Jan 2010 16:08 #48038

  • silentbattle
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Yiddle! Thank you! 謝謝,Yiddle,你是男人!抱歉,我錯過了您的郵件由於某種原因,希望看到你在頂部圖表推出!

Thanks, IT - Amen, v'chein l'mar!
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Re: making the silent battle...not. 24 Jan 2010 16:11 #48040

  • Ineedhelp!!
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I said I WAS JOKING!!! And what does that all mean????????

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Re: making the silent battle...not. 24 Jan 2010 18:05 #48081

  • sci1977
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Mazel tov on 90, can't wait for you to get to 90 on the wall also.  Keep going and writing and inspiring us. 
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Re: making the silent battle...not. 25 Jan 2010 06:48 #48230

  • shemirateinayim
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You are free! Al tikri "Charus [al haluchos]" Elah "Cheirus" Cheirus miyetzer hara cheirus mimalach Hamaves....ok mybe not the second one. But Hey any time your YH tells you to fall, remember you are no longer bound by the chemical aspect of addiction. True you may have the habbit burnt into you as a response to hard times, preasure etc..    BUT NOW IT IS EASY.

GM Sukah gives the 7 names of the YH, inn addition to a few mashalim of it. Let me give you the english version  of my Chiddushim on the sugya (I learnt it BeIyun) The YH is compared both to a spiders web, and the reigns of a sadddle. The very very first YH is as easy to break as a spiders web...virtualy no resistance. But with every web that intertwines, they interconnect to form the reigns of an animal. You are the animal, adn your YH is holding the reigns. You canno sever yourself from the binds of your servitude to him. Yet with every single battle you can sever one fiber that binds you. and in-time you will slowly cut the reigns. But since with every step the reigns still hold strong, the start has almost no seen orogress, not untill much later.    You have come that way in these 90 days!

On amud Beis the gemmara says that at-first the YH is an Heilach then an oreich then an Ish. First he is a wanderer with no connection to you, no invite. Then he becomes your guest, then he becomes your Husband, the man of the house. Now let's assume that the YH bosses his wife around (that's us, hey we are married to the devil in this mashal!!). So how do we kick him out of the house? any married ppls got an idea! How do we make him sleep on the couch, how do we chase him out of his own door? We make shalom bayis problems with the YH. As silly as I worded this, I actualy beleive it holds true. When I learnt this I was medayeik it in the gemara, now I'm writing this all from memory. First thing, don't take orders from him.  be lazy, refuse (even if you later have to give-in). Then don't serve him food, make him feel unwelcome. And finnaly throw every vestigue of him from the house.  Mybe the married ppls heere "know somebody" who knows how this works...

Mazal Tov, I'm gonna hold onto you, and you will pull me through!!! I look up-to you man!
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Re: making the silent battle...not. 25 Jan 2010 11:44 #48249

  • silentbattle
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Thank you - a dvar torah in honor of this celebration - that's fantastic! Thank you!

An an interesting aside, spider webs, for all their flimsiness, are actually incredibly strong when you consider how thin they are. Not sure how that relates to this, but I'm sure it does...maybe the fact that we think, "oh, I'll just do this once, I won't get stuck or anything..."

Had a bit of glenfiddich last night with a good friend, and then some 18-year glenlivet. Both very nice. Then went out to eat, paid for my friend's meal - after all, he's been there for me, he's part of the success. I wish I could offer to pay for everyone here...because that would mean that I'm rich! :D  ;D Seriously, though, you've all been part of my growth, and I thank you (even the ones who can't respond).

During the meal, while talking about all my feelings, I was mentioning some of the good times of my sickness. And I said, "Even so, but being clean is even better." At first, I think I said it because it's the "right" thing to say. After all, we're not supposed to say that we miss those things, right?!

But then I thought about it. And I realized that it's true - I really do feel more free, more clean, and just...better about myself. Even if it means giving up some of the emotional highs I experienced - worth it. By far.

Thank you, a very special thank you, to everyone here for helping me this far on my journey - may we continue to grow together!
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Re: making the silent battle...not. 25 Jan 2010 14:30 #48288

  • Ineedhelp!!
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Hey SB,
A special Mazal Tov to you! You deserve it. You are a very special person who has a lot of potential to do even greater things. You may feel like you just climbed Everest, but now you are probably seeing an even greater mountain that you know you can climb!

Have a great day!

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Re: making the silent battle...not. 25 Jan 2010 14:53 #48297

  • Shlomo
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even though i wasnt on the forum for that vast majority of your 90 days, in these past two weeks, you've helped me immensely and i am extremely grateful. and from reading through this thread, all i can say is yasher koach. great work 
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Re: making the silent battle...not. 25 Jan 2010 15:01 #48300

  • sci1977
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The thing about your old high is that it really wasn't a high.  All it was doing was bringing you further into dispair about yourself.  Your new highs are better and make you feel better then any other high can bring you.  Imagine your lifes highs and how they make you feel compared to the old high.  It's got to be a totally different high now. A better one. 

KUTGW and keep sharing.
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Re: making the silent battle...not. 25 Jan 2010 17:03 #48352

  • onelife
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dear silent,
sorry that im not post here too much,
its just because you are not at the WOH forum, and i really forgot you here.

i see you doing good so far, and if we consider your past as you post here you are the man that we undoubtedly should admire.  : :

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Re: making the silent battle...not. 25 Jan 2010 17:33 #48360

  • silentbattle
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OneLife - you'd better make it your business to drop by here! Sometimes I need Kevlar-clad bodyguards, too!   Not sure why you used the "eye-rolling" emoticon, but thank you - we each need to admire each other, and learn from one another.

Sci - you're right. As always. When I have people like you to share with, you know I will!

Reb Shlomo - I'm consider myself fortunate to count you among the holy warriors that stand at my side, and GUARD my back...let's continue to grow together!

Yiddle, you rock (I didn't even mean that as a pun n the "mountain" theme), as always! To use a possibly inappropriate quote, "There's always gonna be another mountain..." And that's the beauty of life!
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Re: making the silent battle...not. 25 Jan 2010 20:05 #48386

  • shemirateinayim
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I 'm just poppiing my head in here. The last 2 times I had nothing to add, but I see myself that merely having other people post on yuor thread is a tremendious chizuk. You where always there for me, so I'm here for you.   

can you be mazakeh the chavra with a summary of how the 90 dyas went?  What's it like after the neurological patterns have been brocken. Do you feel more energetic. Has this affected your diet?  I feel like a tv host.
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Re: making the silent battle...not. 25 Jan 2010 23:14 #48457

  • silentbattle
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Well, Bob, the effect has really been quite astounding... :D

Obviously, it's not like a drastic change from 89 days to 90. It's a gradual change that's occurring all along, as you break the habits that you've built for so long. For years, I'd gotten used to certain behavior patterns. For example: If I'm sitting in front of a computer...well, you get the idea.

Getting away from those patterns changes your instincts. The further away you get, harder it is to hear their voice. It also moves you away from "that person," I think - you become a new person, with new sensitivities, able to more clearly see all those habits in all their horrifyingness, and really, more than that - you get to see that they're fake, and just an illusion.

I'm still not all the way to my full 90 yet, and even after I get there, the fight isn't over. But I hope to keep growing. Instead of just getting by, I hope to "succeed beyond my wildest dreams with a little help from my friends." :D
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Re: making the silent battle...not. 25 Jan 2010 23:16 #48460

  • imtrying25
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Silentbattle!! Im so friggin jealous!!! Enough said!!!
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