silentbattle wrote on 19 Jan 2010 15:00:
OneLife - Think of the ninja as your bodyguard. After all, ninjas were the assassins of feudal Japan - this Ninja's target is the yetzer hora.
As far as your worries about giving over the fight to hashem, here are a few thoughts, please let me know what you think:
1) as KG (I think) pointed out a while back with a beautiful mashal, hashem gives us that option - Guard, can you airdrop in the link to that chizuk email (I believe it's #667)?
2) We always daven that hashem should remove us from temptation (v'lo lidei nisayon...).
3) As R' Yeruchum points out (from the ramban on the meraglim, I believe, as well as numerous gemaras that say it pretty much straight out), without hashem's help, we'd never succeed against the yetzer hora - we wouldn't even have a chance! We have to enlist hashem's help!
4) Another way of looking at it is that we're being mevatel our own will (ratzon) to hashem - we're taking ourselves out of the picture, and letting his ratzon shine right through us.
Does that make sense?
You always have a good answers (i'm talking about the ninja if you havn't understood yet :D :D)
1. B"H i'll see that.
2. thats absolutely legitimate prayer, but its still says that we have the Y"H.
3. see 2.
4. this claim is the most that i am OK with, but this is very very high level of emuna. and the problem is that not everyone (especially us) can get to that level. it demands tremendous of AVODA.
my opinion is a little mix, when i have a temptation (except of describe you and haba standing near me :D :D)
i tell the Y"H that i don't have any chance to overpower him, and try ways to escape from the danger area.
i hope that the admit in powerlessness can feed the Y"H and its enough for him then he would live me alone.
when he will go ?? hope to the hell. :D :D