silentbattle wrote on 18 Jan 2010 15:01:
Wow, SA - thank you! It's incredible, and a great reminder of just how amazing every second that we win is!
How very true...
I (and I imagine most of us) tend to get so caught up in the big goal, that in the process don't realize the magnitude and power of yes -
thousands of times "NO" was said. And each of them add up, and every second of restraint adds up.
Most importantly, when someone has to C"V look at his situation after a fall, and all he sees is the last few moments of the whole story, and only sees the fall, that's not only "missing the point" or "having the wrong perspective". It's straight up not true. It's seeing something that's not there.
You have to look at all the time you won vs the few seconds that you didn't...
Oh boy, if only it was that simple in real life....