Thanks, Eye! So are you! You help inspire me!
I wish I could just tell everyone about my success and victories!
IT25 - I think they're similar in that both give a blunt explanation of how the world works. They are different, but in many ways, they're the same - they're both from Kelm, right? Though R' Dessler has a broader range of influences, I think.
Reb guard, I like your p'shat...but (I'm cringing a bit here, because I'm still new, and I don't know if what I'm about to do is a huge faux pas (that's right folks, that's pronounced "fowks-paaz." Anyone saying it differently is wrong)) seem to be saying that the purpose of the yetzer hora is to make us dependent on hashem. My understanding is that the purpose of this world is to improve ourselves and connect with hashem on our own (I'm basing this on my admittedly limited understanding of the beginning of derech hashem), and that's what the yetzer hora helps us do....?