Thank you, Sci!
I had an epiphany a few days ago that I wanted to share. My wife wanted to pass me something, but she was tamei, so she asked her younger sister to pass it to me. Sister wanted to know why we couldn't pass it directly, and we just said, "oh, it's not comfortable."
So afterward, i was trying to think of a good naswer that I could use in the future, in any situation. And i realized that every situation is going to be different, and so I'll need to think things up on the spot.
And then I realized, hey - that's life. We'd love to take care of everything so that we never have to deal with difficult situations or nisyonos ever again. But life is about constantly facing challenging situations, and dealing with them as best we can.
That's not to say that we shouldn't try to prepare - anyone who knows me here knows that I feel that preparation before the battle is a huge part of success. But no matter what, different situations will be different, and there's no way to remove temptation entirely. And that's good, because life, all of life, is about living life and growing.