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TOPIC: My story 1105 Views

Re: My story 09 Dec 2009 17:24 #33548

  • Nishmas
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Noorah BAmram wrote on 01 Dec 2009 14:26:

.....Noorah hakatan mbeis Amram

PS take a look what the Sefer HaTanya writes in Likutei Amarim ch 27 ......as it gives great chizuk and perspective to our struggle......and quotes the prophesy of Ovadia regarding the downfall of Edom, only thru our struggle!!! Let me know what u think after u looked @ it!

Hi Noorah,

I haven't been on the forum for a while, but today, I saw your comments above.

I don't have a Sefer HaTanya, and I was wondering if you could summarize what you write above that he gives great chizuk and perspective to our struggle......and quotes the prophesy of Ovadia regarding the downfall of Edom, only thru our struggle.

Can you elaborate?


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Re: My story 23 Feb 2010 10:44 #54934

  • buzi
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guardureyes wrote on 30 Nov 2009 16:45:

Reb Bard, Baruch Shekivanta! A Tzadik once sent me the following e-mail about 3 weeks ago:

I would like to tell you why I chose the username Ovadia.It is after Ovadia HaNovi who is my inspiration.
Chazal ask "Why did Ovadia prophecise about the downfall of Esav?"
Answer "Let Ovadia who lived between two wicked people (Achav and Ezevel) and was not influenced by them, and prophecise about Esav who lived with two righteous people (Yitschak and Rivka) And did not allow himself to be influenced by them.
R Dessler ZT"L explains that whereas we know that one is always influenced by his surroundings, if he succeeds in going against the tide then the environment has the opposite effect on him.
Esav resisted the influence of Yitschak and Rivka and became the epitemy of evil. Ovadia resisted the influence of Achav and Ezevel and thereby elevated himself.
This made me think that even though being exposed to certain Yetzer Horas is dangerous, and we don't want them, however if I am confronted with them, by resisting I can reach higher Madreiges just like Ovadia.
I heard a similar thought a few years ago from R Ezriel Tauber Shlita.
He related that he was asked to speak in a certain school, wher the principal had discovered that the kids were sharing blue movies. This is what he told them.
He said that the 6000 years of creation are split into three parts. The first part corresponds to Eloikai Avraham, the second to Elokai Yitschok and the thir to Elokai Yaakov. However the Chasima of creation corresponds to Magen Avraham as in the Brocho.
What was the Gadlus of Avraham Avinu?
That he was able to stand up against an entire world that worshiped Avoda Zora, and he preached monothism.
Said R Tauber: When we face a computer with access to the world, every one is an individual Avrohom Avinu, because we each face an entire world. This is why our generation corresponds to Avraham.
Thanks for everything

To continue with this theme I would like to quote a beautiful piece, which I saw in the Sefer from Rav Shlomo Brevda Shlito on the story of Purim.  (If this makes it to the Chizuk email, please make it very clear that it is a virtual word by word quote from Rav Brevda)
We find a startling statement in The Gemoro (Megilo 13). “Esther was of a greenish complexion; however a thread of Chesed was drawn over her”. (She was given a touch of grace by HaShem Yisborach which made her find favor in the eyes of all the nations and the king).
The Vilna Gaon asks, how can the Gemoro say such a thing when the Megila states explicitly that Esther had perfect features?
The Gaon answers that originally Esther was very beautiful, however the extreme materialism surrounding her (earlier in the Sefer this is discussed in detail) plus the lavish kindness shown to her by the Reshoim disgusted her and caused her such grief that she developed an ugly greenish complexion. However a thread of Chesed was drawn over her by HaShem Yisborach nad she found favor in people’s eyes. (The Gaon explains that a truly beautiful person does not have to find favor in people’s eyes)
This explains the Posuk that states “when Esther’s turn to appear before the king arrived, she requested nothing to accompany her.“ The Midrash relates that Esther was so non cooperative all along that Haigi was in great fear that she would be executed by the king..
Also, when Esther was taken originally from Mordechai’s home to the women’s quarters, the Megila states “Vateelokach Esther” which means that she was taken against her will. The Gaon notes that at the end after having months of beauty treatments, luxurious living and lavish gifts, when the time comes for her to go to the king the Megila again uses the same terminology “Vateelokach Esther”.  She was completely unmoved by all the materialism which surrounded her, day and night for many months.
Why did HaShem yisborach put Esther in such an unusually materialistic situation, saturated with temptations and unholiness?
The reason for this is, that this was the Tikun for the Aveira commited by the Jews of Shushan of going to and deriving pleasure from the unholy Seuda of Achashveirosh.
Esther was put through a situation comparable to this unholy Seuda which had corrupted thousands of Jews within a few hours. Her Seuda lasted not a few hours, days or weeks, but rather many months day and night. It was potentially much more dangerous and corrupting for the Jewish soul and never did she waver. She accomplished a giant step in rectifying the sin of those who had derived pleasures and had been corrupted by the unholy Seuda of Achashvairosh.
What remains to be said? We too are being bombarded with materialism and Nisyonos on the level of Esther haMalka. May she serve as an inspiration to us all and maybe GYE will be the Tikun for the rest of Klal Yisroel just like she was.
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Re: My story 23 Feb 2010 12:18 #54949

  • Eye.nonymous
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How are you doing Ovadia?  Good to see you!

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Re: My story 23 Feb 2010 12:22 #54950

  • imtrying25
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WOW!!! That was beautiful!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!
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Re: My story 23 Feb 2010 16:16 #54974

  • silentbattle
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Thank you, Reb Ovadia - how are YOU doing?
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Re: My story 23 Feb 2010 21:37 #55044

  • MosheW
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Looks like I wasn’t the only one to take a break, Reb Ovadia good to see you back!!!!
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Re: My story 24 Feb 2010 00:20 #55067

  • Dov
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Hi there, reb yid!
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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