Greetings denizens.
My last post was ages ago, months even, and in it (I have just read it) I asked how I can open up, after I fell. Well, I didn't open up - I am too much of a lone wolf for that, though in hindsight, it may have helped. Or it may not have, who knows.
Well, all was going, by and large, well. I managed to go the full 90 days or more without m'ing or looking at porn. A really achievement, and I was quite chuffed about that. However, after that, I got complacent. It started quite basic; I would read a newspaper someone left on the bus or something, and have a cheeky glance at the pictures of the models on the fashion pages. No harm, I thought, in simply looking at a pretty woman. And it would just be that; looking at the posters of the lingerie models in town; its only a glance, what harm can it do? I didn't count these as slips, though rightly I should have.
And, it went on slowly escalating, and I won't say I wasn't conscious of it. Heck, I was fully aware of the fact that I had promised I wouldn't do this, but I just gave myself a slap on the wrist and walked away. It was only a peek, not a problem.
And then, as happens to any wall with cracks in, it inevitably crumbles and tumbles. See, in the university library, they have some books on art, and I convinced myself to go there for only one reason; to see if there were any books on the female figure in art, despite the fact that it has nothing to do with my course. Lo and behold, there was one, and I had a look, but then I thought, no, best put this down. So, I did so, not without periodically going back for a look. All in all, relatively pathetic.
And so, I went home, and long story short, I looked at porn and BAM, 90 days of effort not merely down the drain, because, lets face it, they had already been there, but well and truly flowing down the sewer. And then I did this.
I don't want this to sound like a whole 'poor me' narrative, or a like a kind of self-absorbed diary, though you will hopefully forgive the fact that it does. Naturlich I fell ashamed, and of course, I have broken my promise to G-d; frankly, I don't think my word is very good at the moment. I don't even need to use hindsight to see where I went wrong, because it was obvious the whole time. I am angry with myself, and I don't want to be playing the victim here. And I know it is stupid to be asking for help, when I suspect that I will eventually ignore the advice given (I hope I won't, but my track record says otherwise), and frankly, motivational advice isn't really what I am looking for.
I have a happy life; a loving family; my degree is going well; perhaps I don't feel entirely religiously fulfilled, as I don't always prayer, and my Torah reading has kind of petered out; but I don't think that that is why I fell. In fact, a few years ago, before any of this started, and actually before university, I prayed almost every day, and even walked home fast from school so I could read the latest bit of Torah and psalms; I wish I could regain that, and perhaps that is what is missing. Ah, but there is the nub! it didn't quite end overnight, so I can hardly expect it to begin. It miffs me off that I have become increasingly distant from religion; it miffs me off more that I didn't care until recently.
Frankly, I am not entirely sure why I am posting, and I hope I will be forgiven if this simply seems like rambling. Honestly, I thinking it is just some active thinking, to get my thoughts in order. I am not really searching for advice. I have already received that, and I can search your whole website, which has given me good advice in the past, though I failed to stick with it. I haven't told any 'real' people about this problem, because of shame mostly, and as hypocritical as I feel telling people how disgusting porn and self abuse is, I am in no mind to change my position. Porn and self-abuse are disgusting, and it is sad that so many people slip. And anyway, I don't really feel comfortable telling real people any personal things about myself, not even my family - it is far easier just to say 'I'm fine' and move on. I know this is my fault, something I have to deal with. I know my attitude is probably all wrong and self defeating. I know many people have lust issues far worse than mine.
But I just needed a rant. And there I close.