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Need help breaking free of my past transgressions
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TOPIC: Need help breaking free of my past transgressions 618 Views

Need help breaking free of my past transgressions 05 Jan 2015 13:14 #246588

  • loefman
  • Fresh Boarder
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So recently I have been trying to do a moral inventory and it's just so hard knowing that I have made so many mistakes and committed such henious crimes against Hashem. I know that we have to move on but no matter what these actions have been a part of my life. They don't DEFINE me but they are most definitely APART of me and that's what scares me. If anyone has by advice it would be greatly appreciated

Re: Need help breaking free of my past transgressions 05 Jan 2015 20:16 #246591

  • Shmeichel
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the first initial washdown takes away most of the dirt, the rest is just polishing up
the first step you have taken already
now is not the time for tshuveh, that will be a gift of hashem for you at a later stage
besides, if hashem is an erech apayim, so there is no difference between small single sins, and huge countless sins, if he forgives he forgives
so whats the point of dwelling on them, give them as a gift to the yetzer hora
leave them over, just run a mile from that thought
when going forward gets tough, its merely a sign that you are going uphill, just give more gas
put your sobriety first; before your wife, before your kids, before your avodas HaTorah (except for the 3 that are יעבור ואל יהרג) Without sobriety you won't have any of those things!

Re: Need help breaking free of my past transgressions 05 Jan 2015 20:31 #246592

  • cordnoy
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loefman wrote:
So recently I have been trying to do a moral inventory and it's just so hard knowing that I have made so many mistakes and committed such henious crimes against Hashem. I know that we have to move on but no matter what these actions have been a part of my life. They don't DEFINE me but they are most definitely APART of me and that's what scares me. If anyone has by advice it would be greatly appreciated

We are all on the same boat.

Just posted this on a different thread:

cordnoy wrote:
Joinin' GYE?
Think you're a loser?
Read this!

Me3 wrote:

We can't stress this enough. If you were a bad person you would not be here on this site. You would be somewhere surfing and m**ing to your hearts content.

Why come here?

The people who come here come because they are good people, in fact although I can't prove this I think that a good percentage of the people here outside of this issue are respected as better then average members of their respective communities.

These people have a problem a serious problem that they want to beat more then anything else in the whole world. Granted they have ended up in this mess due to their own failings and shortcomings. They, however, regret their actions and desperately want to be free of this addiction.

You my friend are a good person (say it 10 times)

You have a flaw that you are aware of and are working on correcting and you are making progress. You didn't beat it in one shot (Shock of shocks) but progress you have made.

Of course, if you want you can decide that all is lost, you're a jerk, loser, reincarnation of the satan, break up with your girlfriend and stay in your bed all day moping about your sorry life, etc.

That will help.
My email: thenewme613@hotmail.com
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