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Break the habit owwwwwwwch
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A platform of recovery for Jews who find themselves struggling with addictions to pornography, masturbation or other sexual problems. Post anonymously about your struggles without fear of anyone finding out who you are. Ask questions, post answers and be inspired! Get tips and guidance from the experts who moderate this forum, as well as from fellow strugglers.
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TOPIC: Break the habit owwwwwwwch 658 Views

Break the habit owwwwwwwch 29 Dec 2014 09:23 #246028

This is a 100% addiction and every time you give in you are becoming more of an addict. While you should not live in terror, you should consider stopping all the time. They way to stop is daily Torah study, the antidote to temptation.
Is not a set amount of time each day worth your well being and then we'll being of your loved ones? When it comes down to it, we are creatures of habit and it is best to make good habits and to break bad ones.
The way to form or break habits, is constant repetition each day. So to leave bad and do good, drop this habit and take up Torah study.

Re: Break the habit owwwwwwwch 29 Dec 2014 10:17 #246030

  • cordnoy
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How about if Torah study was part of your day to begin with?
How about if you're a maggid shiur in a yeshiva, or a kollel yungerman or a yeshivah bachur or someone who is kovea itim by day and night?
then what should he do?
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Re: Break the habit owwwwwwwch 31 Dec 2014 11:22 #246276

How can u just say that this is all addiction and if u learn your addiction will be cured ,number 1 ,not everyone who watches porn or masturbates is addicted some of them have never tried stopping and once they do try they do stop, number, 2 although learning is a great distraction if u feel an attack and need a distraction for most people it is just a distraction and not a complete solution just because it may have worked well for u doesn't mean it will work for everyone else ,also cordnoy brought up a good point there are plenary of people who are in kollel or learn a lot and still watch porn or masturbate so while Torah is a great thing i don't believe its a complete solution to porn or masturbation addiction
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