Please forgive me for the movie reference... but this thought just came to mind... back in the day when I would commonly watch movies, I was definitely into Star Wars. And there's a line in "Return of the Jedi" that stuck out for me... Yoda had asked Luke to use the "Force" to lift his X-wing fighter out of the bog, and Luke's response was, "I'll try." To which Yoda replied, "Do or not do. There is no try." This does sound profound.
However, it just struck me... this is 100% kefira b'ikar... Hashem *wants* us to try... in fact, the Torah and rabbis teach us that He rewards us according to our efforts, not according to the results. After all, only Hashem actually brings the results of anything into being. In other words, anything we actually accomplish is really from Hashem.
Maybe Yoda actually meant, "When all is said and done, no mortal being will remember that you tried, only what you did or didn't do." Be that as it may, Hashem does remember, with perfect clarity, how much/well we tried... and that is something we must constantly keep in mind.
Ok - maybe nobody else cares at all what Yoda said in a movie 30 years ago (or that Yoda could be an apikoros, for that matter), but it struck me that this is something that we could learn a lesson from.
A good, clean day to everyone here.
kol tuv,