This is very familiar to me - my main problem with internet is also at work where it is not practical to install a filter.
What has helped me a lot is the realisation that acting out means different things to different people.
In other the words, for some people acting out is looking at pornography, but for me it is looking at treif news sites. For me, in a way, looking at news sites is just as bad as pornography. This is my "dirt". It makes no difference that for 99% of the world looking at these sites is " normal ". What matters is what is means for ME. For ME, this is where the Yetzer Horo know that I am vulnerable.
So I would not even call this the "Slippery slope". For me, a treif news site is a fall blown fall.
Things can change as well. As we become "cleaner" the point of struggle may change. In the past a fall may have meant pornography, now it may mean "just" a news site. But it makes no difference - a fall is a fall!
Boruch Hashem I am now 46 days clean, including of treif news sites and purposeful erotic thoughts. This has only been possible when I realised that NO COMPROMISE is the ONLY way!
I would suggest you using a TRIPHASIC fine method for news sites, as you would with pornography. What helped me more at the start was making a list of things to do before looking at these treif news sites - for example:
1. Is there any more "work" to do (after all I am getting paid!)
2. If I have spare time, why not phone my wife?
3. Any e mails I should be writing?
4. Have I kept up with the GYE chizuk e mails?
5. Anyone needs help on the GYE FORUM?
6. Am I up to date with my Tehillim? Daf Yomi?
7. Have I checked out the kosher new sites? Do I really need to know any more?!
The list goes on. (These general ideas are in the GYE handbook)
Invariably, once you have gone through the list, not forgetting to daven a lot, the Yetzer Horo is greatly weakened!
Thank you for your post
It is nice to hear from someone in the same boat!