I need reinforcement ! ! ! !
I feel pretty sad and mood-less today.
One of my close friends here have taken a crash here, after holding clean for quite a few weeks, and after trying very very Hard.
He just informed me with the news, and of course that I gave him a tons of reinforcement and chizik to start again, and together we tried to find what was the trigger and the reason for him to act out like the Gemura say לאו עכברא גנב אלא חורא גנב, and we both took upon ourselves a new thing and Kabala from now on.
but lemaase im extremely down for 2 reasons:
First, and the main pain is because I feel so so bad for him that I cant even tell u ppl, he tried nebech so so hard, did so much things, he went to groups, phone conferences, and added on filters, and i mamesh cry for him. (i hope he will get back to himself quick) he is a real pity he is really torn apart.
2nd reason is , it is a very hard feeling to ride together with a group of friends climbing up from a deep cliff after being there for years, and finally when a ladder was put in to climb up, and we are starting to climb up together the holy ladder to hashem, and to turn around while climbing and seeing that my friend who we started together for a few weeks and he fell back down, then after 2 weeks another partner also fell, this hurts very very much.
don't get be wrong. b"h we are b"h continuing, but it makes me in a sad mood.
and he asks me for advice, what should i tell him, i have no idea, im not professional, i need chizik myself, what should i do???????????