I guess I'll just start with a post explaining where I am and how I got there.
In this area of shemiras habris and shemiras ha'einayim, issues started when i was 15 or so (I'm 21 now). This was when I was beginning my path to developing a relationship with Hashem and becoming shomer torah u'mitzvos. It started with things online and has never actualized into any physical relationships with anyone but the issues of pornography and masturbation have pressed down on my psyche.
I'm 21 and studying at a university. I wasn't raised in a frum household, although Jewish values were certainly present. However, through going to a non-Jewish high school and continuing higher education at a place where avodas Hashem, tznius and restraint are
not valued, I have a constant internal struggle for keeping strong.
I have a filter on my computer and phone but this only lasts a few days. Scantily clad is being generous with most people's dress code in my classes and even the frum community at the school is plagued with disillusioned Modern Orthodox guys and girls where skirts, tzitzis and hilchos negiah are all but ignored. Maybe its cynicism or maybe its pessimism, but my time left in school is daunting; not because i feel pressures to give in, but because I know how negatively the community and secular-college-atmosphere affects me.
The largest active issue I face with shemiras habris is that I find it hard to be able to go more than a week without having an urge, which presents itself like a force to which I'll eventually give in. I know there's no issur in
having an urge, but with marriage a few years down the road at least (and i'm working to solve this problem before marriage), just doing things one day at a time has always seemed naive to me because I've never had success with it.
In the past 6ish years of interacting with this yetzer hara, I genuinely feel like I've tried it all: Filters, accountability groups, partners (somewhat), learning, physical exercise, TaPhSic, 90 day chart, all without sustainable results. The longest streak I've had since this period of my life began was the first month I spent in yeshivah in Israel between high school and college. I can't pinpoint exactly why this was but my guess is it relates to the fact that yeshivah was the first time where i was actively engaged in growth, avodas Hashem and learning 24/7. But the reality is I dont have that environment anymore (by any stretch of the imagination).
However, there is one suggestion I haven't tried: opening up 100% to a real person. I've spoken on the phone with an individual from the GUE community but it didnt feel so real. Like I said, i've posted (under different names) in accountability groups here on GUE and had other usernames but I can't bring myself to "re-boot" those accounts, perhaps its a coping mechanism.
Sorry for the novel but if anyone has advice, guidance, similar experiences, anything and everything is sincerely appreciated.
thanks in advance.